tägliche (113)


This worldly existence is dreadful. There is no limit to the consuming power of man's desires and cravings. They are never satisfied. They grow day by day, just as a flame increases by pouring oil onto it.
Discrimination and dispassion are the two master weapons to kill this dire enemy of peace. Cravings take to their heels whenever they hear of dispassion and discrimination, lust as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, so also desires cannot exist in the presence of discrimination and
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O Beauty, O spiritual, imperishable, inexhaustible wealth, O sweet honey, O light of the heavens, O Light of the gods and celestial beings, O my dear relative, Thou art my body. Thou art the ovum. Thou art the germinal cell. Thou art the very life-element.
Thou art my eye. Thou art the black portion of my eye. Thou art the inner pupil that moves within the eve. Protect me. Let no evil touch me. Let me forget if this world. Let me remember Thee always. Take me to Thy sweet bosom. Make me dwell in
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O hidden Love that pervades all objects, O Power that sustains this vast universe, O self-luminous Light that gives light to the sun, moon, stars and the intellect, O adorable Lord of this universe, O God of gods, O Lord of lords, Thou art the womb of the Vedas. Thou art the director or governor of this universe. Thou art the life of my life, Soul of my soul, Prana of my Pranas, mind of my mind, eye of my eye, ear of my ear. Thou art the beauty of flowers and landscapes. Thou art the charm in th
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Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: "Threefold is by nature the inborn faith of the embodied-pure, passionate and dark. The faith of each is shaped according to his own nature, O Bharata. The man consists of his faith; that which his faith is, he is even that."
Faith indicates what man's character is. Have true, perfect, living and unswerving faith in God, in His Grace, and in the power of His Name. Meditate and open yourself to the Divine Light. Faith can move mountains and give you peace, sp
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Minus the skin, dress and ornaments the human body is nothing. Just imagine for a moment that the skin has been removed. You will have to stand by with a long stick to drive away crows and vultures. Physical beauty is superficial, illusory and liable to fade. It is skin deep only. Do not be deluded by appearances. They are the jugglery of Maya. Go to the source - to the pure, eternal Atman - the beauty of beauties, the everlasting beauty.
If your hair becomes grey, that is the first warrant from
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Self-surrender is one of the nine modes of Bhakti. The will of the devotee becomes one with the Lord's Will, and he enjoys all the divine splendours of the Lord.
The obstacles in the way of self-surrender are desire and egoism. The self-surrender must be pure, total, unreserved and unconditional. Sometimes the devotee keeps certain desires for his own secret grati¬fication. The ego is very still and obstinate. It is as hard as granite. It has to be split through constant hammering with the chisel
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Eating, drinking, sleeping, fear and copulation are common to both animals and human beings. But that which makes a person a real man or a God-man is worship. Worship or spiritual practice transmutes a man into a blessed Divinity.
Lord Krishna says in the Gita: "But by devotion to Me alone I may thus be perceived, Arjuna, and seen and known in essence, and also entered into, O Paranthapa."
He who leads a mere outward sensual life without doing any worship is an animal only though he wears outwardl
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A little consideration of what takes place around us every day would show us that a law higher than that at our will regulates events; that our painful labours are unnecessary and altogether fruitless; that only in our easy, simple and spontaneous action are we strong; and by being content we become pure and divine. Belief and love will relieve us of a vast load of cares. 0 my brothers, God truly exists and cares for you.
There is a Soul at the centre of nature and over the will of every man, so
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Try to identify yourself with the eternal, ever ¬pure Atman that resides in the chambers of your heart. Think and feel always: "I am tile Atman that is ever pure." This one thought will remove all troubles and all fanciful thoughts. The mind will try to delude you. It will lurk like a thief. Start this anti-current of thought.
There is no magic pill more effective than silence and solitude to remove the disease of tossing of the mind.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Infor
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Optimism is the doctrine or view that everything in nature and in the history of mankind is ordained for the best, that the order of things in the universe has been adapted to produce the highest good. It is a sunny temperament as opposed to a pessimistic one. Pessimism is the opposite of optimism.
An optimist sees opportunities in all difficulties; a pessimist sees difficulties in all opportunities.
There is a bright side to every situation. Adopt a hopeful, confident state of mind. Then the trou
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The powers of the mind are always scattered and resist attempts at concentration. This oscillatory ten¬dency is an innate characteristic of the mind-stuff. Of the various methods employed to curtail and arrest this tossing of the mind, those using the medium of sound and sight stand prominent, since these two have a peculiar knack of catching the attention and stilling the mind.
Therefore, in the course of spiritual discipline also, the methods of developing concentration take the form of repeati
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Environments are not bad but your mind is such. Your mind is not disciplined properly. Wage war with this horrible and terrible mind. Do not complain of unfavourable environments. Complain against your own mind first. Train it first.
If you practice concentration amidst unfavour¬able environments, you will grow strong, you will develop your will-force quickly, you will become a dynamic personality. See good in everything and transmute evil into good. This is real Yoga. This is the real work of a
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To learn to rationally and effectively use existing forces, man need not wait for any kind of striking new methods to be invented for his guidance.
Since early creation nature herself abounds in instructive examples and lessons to aid man in every walk of his life. Observation tells us that every force in nature, when it is allowed to flow freely over a wide area, moves slowly and with comparatively less power than it would do if gathered together in one mass and directed through a single, restri
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Study the psychology of men. Analyze human nature. When you move with different minds, adjust yourself well. Have perfect adaptability and develop tolerance. Then only can you be happy.
Wherever you go you carry with you your mind, your desires and mental impressions. Attraction and repulsion are everywhere, even in the caves of the Himalayas. Create your own world and environment from within. Then alone can you be happy anywhere and everywhere and under all circumstances, this is wisdom.
From "Da
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In all man's struggles and attempts at achieving any desired object, there is in reality no necessity at all for him to go in quest of external forces to aid him. Man has within himself vast resources and inherent powers lying untapped or else only partially made use of.
It is because he has allowed his faculties to get scattered on a hundred different things that he fails to achieve anything substantial, despite his inherent potentialities. If he regulates and applies his poten¬tialities intelli
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In the Gita it is stated: "The Yogi, labouring with assiduity, purified from sin and perfected through manifold births, reacheth the Supreme Goal."
If you can give up idle talk, gossip and curiosity, and if you do not interfere in the affairs of others, you will have ample time to practice intense meditation. If worldly thoughts try to enter the mind during meditation, reject them. Have steady devotion to truth. Be cheerful.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on
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If there be any good virtues in you, think that there are many more in others. This will develop humility in you. A worldly-minded man thinks too much of himself, He thinks that there is none equal to him in appearance, intelligence and experience. This gives rise to vanity and arrogance.
He who is humble and regards worldly titles and honour as mere straw, is indeed a great man The knowledge of your weaknesses will instill humility in your heart. It will force you to equip yourself with strength
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Real rest can be had during meditation when the mind rests in the Atman. Change of work can give rest. Remaining idle without work and allowing the mind to wonder wildly like a furious elephant, or building castles in the air, cannot bring rest to the mind and soul.
The man who cannot fix his mind in meditation and prayer cannot have knowledge of the Self. The unsteady man cannot practice meditation, He can¬not have intense devotion to knowledge of the Self, or any burning longing for liberation.
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Meditation on the immortal Self will act like a dynamite and blow up all thoughts and memories in the subconscious mind. If thoughts trouble you very much, do not suppress them by force. Be a silent witness, as in a cinema show. They will gradually subside. Then root them out through regular medi¬tation.
The practice of meditation must be constant. Then only can one attain Self-realization surely and quickly. He who practices meditation by fits and for a few minutes daily will not be able to achi
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He who is endowed with the power of endurance, who is steadfast and balanced in pleasure and pain, is fit for immortality. This is what the Bhagavad Gita says.
This body is your instrument but not your real Self. Forbearance develops will-power. It is one of the qualifications of an aspirant on the path of Jnana. It brings happiness herein and hereafter.
The quality of forbearance has one drawback. People misconstrue those who practice forbearance for impotent, effeminate people. Bear with joy wha
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