Teachings of Swami Sivananda's Posts (1031)

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Sivananda daily reading


Free yourselves from egoism and attachment.
Discipline thy minds and senses through detachment.
Identify not with the body, which is illusory.
Have a balance of mind in pleasure and misery.
Work is worship.
Serve all, the poor, the sick, the needy and all.
Service purifies the heart and the soul.
Service leads to knowledge.

That is the goal.

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Sivananda daily reading


This will remove your Mamata(mineness).

There are thousands of people who have no mental strength.

The strength that will preserve the tranquility of the mind, and which will enable you not to become a slave to the allurements of the objects and become pleasure-deers.

The strength that will enable you to smile away all losses and calamities, and say ‘Noting has happened.’

This strength you can have if you fix your mind on that Eternal inner self.

Then only can you have balanced mind and equal vision.

You will attain the Kingdom of Heaven, the Param Dham.

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Sivananda daily reading


Have full faith in Apta Vakyas – the words of seers and Yogis who have realised and have given their emphatic declaration in the Upanishads – Yo Vai Bhuma Tat Sukham; Na Alpe Sukham Asti- Chandogya Upanishad 7.23.1 (The Infinite is the satisfying happiness. In the finite no happiness). You can get that Supreme Bliss only in that transcendental Bhuma which is not conditioned by time, space and causation. But man is deluded into thinking that he can obtain bliss from the objects

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Sivananda daily reading


You will never find these instructions in the books that you study in the University.
Let us all adopt the Bhava mentioned in the Upanishads.
Let us all follow the instructions contained in the Upanishads.
Then your hearts will be purified; all the evil Vritis(a wave in the mind lake) of the mind will be eradicated and the knowledge of the Self will descend in to that purified heart.
We shall realise the Atma or Brahman.

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Fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in Yoga and knowledge, alms-giving, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of scriptures, austerity and straightforwardness, (16:1)

Harmlessness, truth, absence of anger, renunciation, peacefulness, absence of crookedness, compassion towards beings, uncovetousness, gentleness, modesty, absence of fickleness, (16:2)

Vigour, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, absence of hatred, absence of pride—these belong to one born in a divine state, O Arjuna! (16:3)

Hypocrisy, arrogance, self-conceit, harshness and also anger and ignorance, belong to one who is born in a demoniacal state, O Arjuna! (16:4)

The divine nature is deemed for liberation and the demoniacal for bondage. Grieve not, O Arjuna, for thou art born with divine properties! (16:5)

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Sivananda’s address to Students at the Calcutta Univercity. Om.
In the beginning there was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.
That Word is OM.
It is the word of power.
It is your real name.
Your real name is not Chatterjee, Banerjee, or Roy.
It is OM.
Let us, therefore, chant OM with feeling, with Bhava(feeling).
Om is infinity, eternity, Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.

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Sivananda daily reading


Maya works her havoc through the imagination.
Woman is not beautiful, but the imagination is beautiful.
Sugar is not sweet, but the imagination is sweet.
Food is not palatable, but the imagination is palatable.
Man is not weak, but the imagination is weak.
Understand the nature of Maya and the mind and become wise.
Curb this imagination of the mind by Vichar or right thinking and rest in Brahman, wherein there is neither imagination nor Sankalpa not thought.

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Sivananda daily reading


Pray to Him daily with system and regularity.
Take His sweet DIVINE NAME without fail.
Worship His picture with a few flowers or an agarbatti.
Then you will see that He gives you the strength necessary for quick progress.
He will teach you intelligent methods of improving yourselves and getting success all your works.
He will give you courage and cheerfulness too.
This is a secret which all great men and saints knew and thus they become good, great and famous.

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Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
September 2015
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!

Lord Sri  Krishna, Divine Incarnation on auspicious Janmashtami (September 5, 2015)
Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the immortal manifestation of God in all His splendor, that man was ever given the fortune to behold. Man! Blessed thou art, that hast visualized with thy fleshly eyes the mighty Dignity of the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe! Thou art purified; thy birthright is to realize Him; thy fortune is a part of His Greatness! Sri Krishna may be called the "Collective Man", who represented all beings hungering and thirsting to gain the Highest Freedom and who voiced forth their deepest aspirations in the loudest possible tone. He came to release man from the thraldom of vice and correct his vision so that he could walk along the ever-illumined path to perfection. Sri Krishna is the articulation of the pure longings that are buried in the hearts of people. Sri Krishna is not merely a historical man who came and went, like others, but the Eternal Purusha who dwells even now and shall live in the everlasting future, in the core of all manifestation. It is the Symbol of the Absolute descended into relativity that we call Krishna, the ever-beloved protector of all that breathe and air."
 "So Sri Krishna is called an Avatara, a descent of God in the world, of the Whole in the parts, of the Absolute in the relative. An Avatara is different from a Rishi or a Jivanmukta who represents an ascent of man to God, whereas the Avatara is a descent of God to man, consciously and deliberately. Sri Krishna lived the universal life, laughed a universal laughter, and walked on earth as the moving Spirit of the universe. To worship Him is to be in the Presence of God; to know Him is to realize the Self."- Swami Sivananda << More>>
Adoration & Prostrations Holy Master Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj on HIS Birth Anniversary  (Sept 8, 2015) 

"Gurudev’s life after Self-realisation, after becoming an enlightened sage and shining as a great light of the Himalayas, was a saga of selfless service—service of the poor, service of the suffering, service of the sick, service of the distressed, service of spiritual aspirants and seekers, service of all humanity, service of the whole world. In diverse, numerous ways, his entire life was one great, continuous stream of selfless service. He had even forgotten how to think of himself; he could only think of others. He lived thinking of others: "In what way can I be of benefit, in what way can I serve?" That was Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj till the very last days."

"Gurudev declared in one of his eighteen handwritten autobiographical epistles: "I live to serve, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to raise the fallen, to console the distressed. This is my mission in life." And anyone who has known him, anyone who has lived with him, anyone who has seen him instantly recognised: "Here is a totally selfless, dedicated human being." He fulfilled to the very letter the scriptural description of this type of realised soul, who having attained illumination, having done everything that has to be done, having no desires because all their desires have been fulfilled through God-realisation, are seen to be, in the words of the Gita, "intent on the welfare of all creatures."  - Swami Chidananda  << More>>

Salutation and Prostrations to Gurumaharaj on HIS 100th Birth Anniversary (Sept 24, 2015)
Chidananda Darshan - through Life incidence of Guru Maharaj

Kodanda Rama
After the holy occasion of Sridhara's sacred thread ceremony, when all were returning from Tirupati Sridhar (Poorvashram name of Swamiji) felt drawn by a beautiful idol of Sri Rama in one of the shops and beseeched his parents to buy the image for him. The parents were happy to hear the request and bought for him the wooden idol of Sridhar Sri Kodanda Rama.

Thereafter Sri Kodanda Rama was to occupy a central place in the children's life in the house. The idol was installed by the side of the family deity and offered ceremonial worship on all important occasions. Sridhara was now found to be very meticulous in observing spiritual discipline and rituals of worship. Daily he used to sit down at the feet of Sri Kodanda Rama, in the company of his aunts, brother and sisters and offer his
prayerful worship. A miraculous thing came to be observed at the time of Sridhara's worship. When he used to offer flowers to the Lord, apply fragrant sandal and vermillion to His forehead and light the lamp before Him, the idol seemed to shine with an extraordinary effulgent halo and a celestial smile used to wreathe the divine countenance. The young devotees could see this almost everyday and they were thrilled with joy at this manifestation of divine grace.

"How Rama came into his life is an instructive lesson to every seeker. To him in his childhood He came as the idol Kodanda Rama, whom he worshiped and in whom he had his whole being. At a later stage, He came to him in the shape of the unfortunate lepers. Then a time came when the Lord appeared before him in the form of the inspired words of Ramdas. Next, the life of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa rose before him as a beckoning ideal. Saints and mystics blessed him. At last, the Lord gave him Darshan in the form of his Sadguru. Sivananda entered into his very being. He was filled with devotion to Guru. Sivananda dwelt in him and he dwelt in Sivananda "

Birth Centenary Celebration of Guru Bhagawan Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad.
"Be a part of celebrations and Be benefited "

Yoga Learning from a book " Yoga a way of Life" by Swami Adhyatmananda

Primary Yogasana (Yoga Postures) - The Physical techniques of Yoga are the stepping stones to meditation. According to Patanjali, Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind.
In the beginning the primary prerequisite to peace of mind is posture. Yogasana practiced to gain steady posture, health and lightness in the b ody. All Yoga postures are intended to directly or indirectly quiet the mind. The majority of Asana have been devised to build up different parts of the body and to develop the strength required by the more advanced  Physical disciplines. The purpose of the yogasana is to recondition the system, both mind and body, and to develop the nervous and glandular systems. The different Yoga postures have been devised to bring a rich supply of blood to the brain and to the various parts of the spinal column. The yogasana work by stretching, bending and twisting the spinal column in different directions to promote the health of the nerves. When the body is purified, Prana (vital energy) can be conserved and the individual becomes healthy and conscious.  << More>>

Highlighting the News & Upcoming events

Chidananda Birth Centenary Tour of  H.H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji to USA, Canada & UK (June 1, 2015 - Sept 1, 2015) Update since the last  - Pujya Swamiji had full three weeks of satsang and programs scheduled in UK that included Mandir Mahotsav at Anoopam Mission (Denham), Sutton, Putney, Bristol and Surrey area. With that concluded Swamiji's three months tour to the West. Sri Swamiji has reached to the Ashram on Sept 1, 2015.

Pujya Swamiji conveys HIS thanks to all the organizers and devotees for organizing His Tour, a part of Chidananda Birth Centenary celebrations. << More >>

Upcoming YTTC ( Dec 11, 2015 - Dec 30, 2015)/ Registration form : Transform your life to Yoga way of Living. Enhance your skill in Yoga, be a teacher and spread the knowledge to others. On completion of three weeks residential YTTC and successfully passing the test including theory and practical, the graduate will receive a diploma certificate recognized by Gujarat University.

 It is organized under the guidance & leadership of  Pujya Sri Swami Adhyartmanandaji Maharaj, who has conducted over 770 Yoga camps in the East & the West. Ashram's holy atmosphere is ideal for enhancing your spiritual growth as well as the skill in the science of Yoga. Contact the ashram for the details - sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com / Registration form

Sivananda Yoga DVD (new) It is a complete guide for  the beginners as well as experts. It contains 84 Yoga postures. It is like Yoga Teachers comes to your home. A "must possess" treasure for not only Yoga lovers but for everyone.

Upcoming Krishna Janmotsav & satsang programs
News and Activity Report for the Month of  August
Divya Jivan / August - September  2015 


"I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all beings! I am the beginning, the middle and also the end of all beings." (10:20)

"And, I am seated in the hearts of all; from Me are memory, knowledge, as well as their absence. I am verily that which has to be known by all the Vedas; I am indeed the author of the Vedanta, and the knower of the Vedas am I." (15:15)

"Having become the fire Vaisvanara, I abide in the body of living beings and, associated with the Prana and Apana, digest the fourfold food" (15:18)

"Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not."  (18:66)

_______________________________________________ Chidananda mailing list Chidananda@divyajivan.org http://divyajivan.org/mailman/listinfo/chidananda_divyajivan.org 
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Sivananda daily reading


That which follows you to the end is your actions and sadhana only.

Even the silken thread that is tied around your waist will be removed for the use of your grandson.
You will be gauged not by what you have spoken, but by how religiously you have earned name and fame and the purity of your thoughts and motive.
Take refuge in renunciation.
Work for the good of humanity. Meditate vigorously.
This is the secret way to attain the state of eternal bliss and immortality.

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Sivananda daily reading


Satyena labhyah tapasA hi esah AtmA Samyak jnAnena brahmacaryena nityam (Mudaka III,1-5).
The Rishis have prescribed this method to attain God, the abode of Eternal Peace and Bliss.
God is Truth.
Brahman is Truth.
He is stained by speaking truth.
There is no harmony between your thought, word and speech.
You think one thing, you talk another thing; and you act in a third way.
Man has become corrupted.

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Sivananda daily reading


Mira Bai deserted her husband;
King Bhartrihari his wife;
Vibhishana his brother, Ravana;
Bali, his Guru Shukracharya;
Prahlada, his father Hiranyakashipu.

You can desert anyone who stands in the way of your God-realisation.
If you have intense spiritual thirst after God, and if you have a passionate wife, wealth, power, position to pull you down, what is the earthly use of having such disastrous things.

Shun tem ruthlessly without any fear if these hinder your spiritual progress.

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Sivananda daily reading


The illusory sensual objects invade the mind and cloud the understanding.
But a man of dispassion and discrimination is always vigilant.
Maya is afraid to approach him.
Abandon these selfish struggles for amassing wealth.
March direct to that wire-puller who is moving these toys flesh -human bodies-who is keeping up this big show, who is behind this show.
In Him only will you find lasting happiness and perennial joy.
Merge in Him by practicing daily meditation.

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Sivananda daily reading


Tell me now friend: what do you really want in this illusory world?

Happiness, or pain?
Joy, or sorrow?
Have you understood the illusory nature of the Mayaic creation?
This world is a mere appearance.
The mind and the senses are deceiving you at every moment.
You have mistaken pain for pleasure on account of clouded understanding.
There is not an iota of happiness in this sense universe.
Maya is very powerful.

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Sivananda daily reading


God works through your hands and eats through your mouth.

On account of ignorance and Abhiman(Egoism) you have forgotten Him.

This mortal Physical Sheath is an illusory Mayaic Production, smile, whistle, laugh jump, dance, in joy and ecstasy.

Sing Om, Om, Om! Rama, Rama, Rama, Shyama, Shyama, Shyama! Sivohm, Sivohm, Sivohm!

Come out of this cage of flesh.

Thou art not this perishable body.

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Sivananda daily reading


The unseen power.
Know that God is unseen power that dwells within us.
He is the living Truth.
With no shore, no limit, like an ocean with all beings as its bubbles, God is neither in heaven above, nor down below, but in everyone, everywhere.
Beyond all and yet embracing all with infinite power, unfathomable knowledge, inexpressible bliss and ineffable splendor, God alone exist.

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Sivananda daily reading


Life is very precious.
Time is very precious.
This world is your body.
This world is a great school.
This world is your silent teacher.
Live in the present; forget the past.
Give up mundane hopes of the future.
Think rightly.
Act rightly.
Learn to discriminate.
Acquire spiritual wealth.
It is most precious and inexhaustible.
You create your own world of worries and troubles.
No one forces it on you.

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Tight IT band

I am 62 and have had a long success streak with yoga helping me feel great. I am very disciplined and do yoga everyday for decades, but I believe that must be my current problem as my routine was pretty much the same everyday and very centered on hip openers. Though I have had a double herniated disc for decades and yoga has made it a non-problem. Now I have sciatica for 3 weeks with no improvement- the doctor who had been a major college sports medicine therapist for athletes told me I had especially tight IT bands which could account for my pain. In the exercises that you can pull up for IT and yoga - I do everyday, like pigeon. Suggestions to loosen up my tight IT ? I am doing the few the doctor gave me , on my second day.... sure hurts, Thanks
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Sivananda daily reading


May I be of some use to the suffering humanity,
a refuge of the helpless,
a guide to the seekers,
a doctor to the sick,
a solace to the distressed,
a friend to the afflicted,
a lamp to those who need light,
a prop to those who walk with faltering steps
and boat to those who wish to cross this ocean of Samsara.

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