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Namasté rakeshkoshi,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring health, love and everlasting peace to your life, body and soul.
Om Shanti
Omkara - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
Namasté rakeshkoshi,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring love and everlasting peace to your life and soul.
Om Shanti
Omkara - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
Hallo rakeshkoshi,
happy birthday to you.
May your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Happy birthday rakeshkoshi,
may your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Happy birthday rakeshkoshi,
may your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Lahari Vishnu Mahesh,
Vidhi Ravi Chanda Varun Yam,
Shakti Dhanesh Ganesh.
Yes it really ture but only for lord Krishna. Lord krishna is lord krishna other is only photo copy.
Meera and & other who love krishan never said Like you, sorry it is true.