Babaji Avatar Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda searching His Cave in Himalayas

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Babaji Kriya Avatar Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda searching His Cave in Himalayas.Sri Guruji Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda in Himalayas, searching the Cave of Avatar Babaji in Himalayas, India, on 1998.Guruji Mahatmaji was giving this Kriyas arround of the world to all peoplethat was asking the meditation in the Light and Verb of God.In the ending, Swamiji Brahmanand with Guruji Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda, in Rishikesh / Haridwar, Himalayas, India.Om Sri Mahatma Ki Jai!For the Infinite Luz that He gives through the world, to Enlighten the souls wherever he goes.Song: Tiffany´s Party by RangaForever in the Divine Light and the Verb of God !!!Video Edition:Premi Bai Lucy Luz and Katy Luz from Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda: gayatri yoga om amma hare krishna babaji toledo prabhupada guru maharaji rawat jesus cristo nithyananda osho kundalini shiva masonery knowledge sai baba sivananda pranayama lakshmi ganesha kriya kali hinduism vedanta upanishad gauranga bhagavad gita iskcon mahamantra barbara bourse dick la joven guardia felix pando krishnamurti chopra sri hansji krishananda santuario sol luna parlamento argentino de religiones vrillon sirius iglesia ortodoxa bielorrusa eslava universal parliament of religions tibetano tibetan matatron crowley kabalah cabala merkaba yogananda yukteswar ravi shankar maitreya creme alan parsons piramid

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