Durge Jaya Jaya with Vani Devi

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Vani Devi is singing the mantra Durge Jaya Jaya. You can find it in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Book under the song number 308. Sing along, let the mantra music open up your heart.Lyrics (Text):Durge Jaya JayaDurge Jay(a) Jay(a),Durge Jay(a) Jay(a)Durita-nivarini,Durge Jay(a) Jay(a)Durge Jay(a) Jay(a),Durge Jay(a) Jay(a)Bhava-bhaya-harini,Bhavani Jay(a) Jay(a)Find your local Yoga Vidya Center here: yoga-vidya.de/centerYoga Vidya Kirtan Book: shop.yoga-vidya.de/de/yoga-vidya-verlag/buecher/kirtana.Free Online Kirtan Book: blog.yoga-vidya.de/kirtanheft-online/.Seminars on Mantra and Music: yoga-vidya.de/seminare/interessengebiet/mantras-und-musik.

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