Govinda Narayana by Ramani and Bernardo | Krishna Kirtan

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Ramani sings the Krishna Kirtan Govinda Narayana and Bernado accompanies with the drums.No. 153 in the Kirtan Book.The text:Govinda Narayana,Narayana GopalaGovinda Gopala NarayanaHari Govinda Gopala NarayanaGovinda Narayana,Narayana GopalaHari Govinda Ananda NarayanaSai Govinda Gopala NarayanaHere you can find more information about this kirtan.Here you can find a english Yoga seminar.Intensive 4-weeks International Yoga Teachers Training.Find your local Yoga Vidya Center here: Vidya Kirtan Book: online Kirtan book: on mantra and music:

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