Intuition of Reality - Vedanta Talk 9 by Ira Schepetin

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Explanantion of the shloka Brahmanandam paramasukhadam. Shankaracharyas critique of other schools of thought. Knowledge as the solution to remove ignorance. 3 types of ignorance: 1. not knowing as the root 2. Misconception. Adhyāsa. Superimposition. 3. Doubt. Ancient vedantic position. Five fundamentals of Vedānta: 1. The witness 2. Nature of ignorance 3. Difference between doing something and knowing something 4. Absolute and relative perspective 5. Method of Vedānta. These talks were given in August 2019 in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Vedanta Seminars. More on Vedanta English Community, Blog, Seminars:

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