Mantra for abundance | Mahalakshmi | Ich gebe aus vollem Herzen by Lisa Lilamayi from Mantra Circle

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Bm D A E
Ich gebe aus vollem Herzen, alles was ich geben kann,
Bm D A E
denn ich weiß, es kommt zurück zu mir irgendwann, irgendwann.
Bm D A E
Om Shri Mahalakshmyai Namaha

composed and performed by Lisa Lilamayi
Follow her on Instagram: / feelinglila

This mantra is the most important and powerful Lakshmi mantra.
This mantra is particularly suitable for people who also see God (the Goddess) in the beauty of the manifest universe, as well as those who see the meaning of their lives in giving and sacrificing for others.
It can be used for daily meditation.

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Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel the divine presence.

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