Mantra for Love & Joy | Maha Mantra / Du bist das Ziel meiner Reise by Lisa Lilamayi & Ganesh

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Em                  G           C
Denn ich suche und ich finde meine Art und Weise (4x)

Am                               C       Am                            Em
Ich bin das Ziel meiner Reise. Ich bin das Ziel meiner Reise
Am                              C       Am                             G
Ich bin das Ziel meiner Reise. Ich bin das Ziel meiner Reise

Du bist das Ziel meiner Reise/
Wir sind das Ziel unsrer Reise

Am                          C     Am                            Em
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Am                         C      Am                             G
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

composed & performed by
Lisa Lilamayi - Vocals, Guitar
Ganesh - Vocals, Guitar
Follow Leela Mayi on Instagram: / feelingleela

Maha Mantra means “great mantra”. It is considered to be the mantra that brings joy and love and makes it possible to experience the divine. The Maha Mantra is also known as the Hare Krishna Mantra or Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mantra.

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Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel the divine presence.

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