Mantra Music Video | Om Tare Tuttare by Group Mudita | Yoga Vidya Ashram

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The Green Tara is a symbol for liberation. Sing or listen to this powerful mantra when you are in need of healing, compassion or wish fullfilment. 💚 🍀

Om Tare Tuttare is a Tibetian mantra dedicated to the goddess or Bodhisattva Tara, especially its manifestation as the Green Tara. In short, om tare tuttare ture soha means “I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones."

▶️ Credits:
Gruppe Mudita - Music and Song Production
Sonya Yildiz - Woman with red scarf
Kim Fritzsche - Second Woman
Shanti Devi Lydia Langstrumpf - Fire Artist
Lisa Brenner - Script and Video Production

▶️ You loved the voices? Book a seminar with Gruppe Mudita or visit their concert timetable:

▶️ The fire artistery fascinated you? Book Shanti Devi and visit her website for more information:

💚 Om Shanti 🕉

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