Om Namah Shivaya | Electronic Mantra Dance Music by The Dancing Shiva

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When we dance in bliss we unite our hearts and bring joy, happiness and healing to the whole planet. So dance my friends, dance, dance for peace, dance for healing, dance for union - dance for every being in the whole cosmos! Together we transform this world into a dancing heaven!

The mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' could be translated as ´I salute to the absolute light of consciousness, beyond all names and forms´. By chanting this mantra you call opon Shiva the auspicious one to remove all your blockages.

The Dancing Shiva combines powerful ancient mantras with modern electronic beats. For more information visit our website:
🙏 Please share, share, share. Share the video to help to bring yoga (union) to as many beings as possible. Om Namah Shivaya 🙏🙏🙏

The Dancing Shiva is a music project of Yoga Vidya e.V. a non-profit organisation in Germany and Europe´s largest yoga and ayurveda education centre.

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