Reunion of Disciples of Swami Vishnu-devananda August 2009

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This was a reunion for yoga staff from years ago. It was held at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp in Val Morin, Quebec, Canada. Forty-four former staff attended. Many of the staff I had not seen in 15 or 20 years. It was a joyous time! (Videoed & photographed with iPhone!...with some help from iMovie & Photoshop!) (Video and Text by Bharata)

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  • What a great reunion! Swami Vishnudevananda's own disciples in His Ashram chanting. The energy and love was from Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda. Swami Vishnu told us, "Master Sivananda taught me and I taught you. Now you go teach the world." Ruby Blue the last month of he life complained to me that the Sivananda Organization wasn't one big family anymore, well Ruby we are back as a family. Next year's reunion is Aug. 13-15 2010 Yoga camp. The people that built the Organization will be there. The people that spent years with Swami Vishnu will be there. The disciples that went to the 4 corners of the earth to spread Swami Vishnu's message will be there. We laughed the whole time we were there. The next day we were all invited to a First Class wedding hosted by Giris & Narayani for there daughter Amari & Shawn. Shanti came to the Reunion and was told she was going to a wedding. She said, I don't have any clothes or shoes for a wedding. The night before the wedding she was taken shopping and was given two dresses and a pair of shoes. She looked beautiful. The dress she picked for the wedding was a lavender color, her choice. We get to the wedding reception and the tables & flowers etc. were the same color. Sivananda's choice ! Jai Sivananda. Jai Vishnudevananda. Forget the Past & Join us.
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