Shankara sings Radhe Govinda - Satsang excerpt

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181. Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda
Radhe Radhe Govinda
Govind Radhe
Radhe Radhe Govinda
Govind Radhe

"Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda Radhe" is a kirtan for the worship of Krishna and Radha, it sings of the divine couple. Radha is the feminine aspect, Govinda is the masculine aspect. Radha means "love" and "joy", Govinda is the good shepherd. And so this mantra invokes the divine couple, as protection and as love. In this way, we can fully connect with the Divine, as protection and as love. Radha and Govinda together stand for the Divine everywhere. We can experience God as love, we can let our heart speak, we can experience God with joy. And we can be sure that God cares about us, that only what is supposed to happen happens. (

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