Themes from the Tron Soundtrack (Wendy Carlos) - [Fingerstyle Guitar Covers]

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originally inspired by a MIDI file approximating Tron's Ending Titles Themes. The actual soundtrack, as written my Wendy Carlos, is actually much more richer, but i didn't have access to it when i came up with this arrangement. considering that it is one of my all-time favourite soundtracks, i may revisit the arrangement eventually. recorded in june 2019.❤ thank you for your support ! ❤§you're invited to subscribe to the ★ Monthly Release Club ★ to instantly get every composition i release, along with Club Exclusives and bonus materials such as demos, videos, lyrics and other works in progress : other privileges, Club Members have access to the contents of the « Upcoming Releases » and « Creative Process » series at least one month before the general public.§★ connect via social networks ★§

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