December 09 – 11, 2011, Bad Meinberg
Instructor: Leela Mata
Death, like birth, is an event in the soul’s journey to Liberation. It is not to be feared or ignored, but to be understood and embraced.
We will tap into ancient wisdom, as well as modern findings, to help us participate in the event of death fearlessly and consciously
• How to prepare for death
• What happens at the time of death and what happens after death
• How to help someone to be detached and be able to leave peacefully
• Rituals before and after death to help the deceased and the surviving family
• Use of mantras to elevate the soul
• Sharing circle of love, attention, understanding and acceptance to help healing take place and grief to evaporate
• Wisdom will be culled from Katha Upanishad, Garuda Puran, Bhagavad Gita and your own experiences