Here is a good question:
What are some guidelines in both mental and physical feelings for finding a
proper balance between effort and surrender? What do you recommend?
Here are some ideas from our Facebook friends - do you have any other ideas?
Praveena: It is the same difference as in supression and sublimation.A desire for a toy when a child gives up becoz his parents cant afford is supression.But the same child has no desire for it when he grows up, which is sublimation.our desires should not be supressed but sublimated.That requires no effort and becomes surrender.
Hana: I would call effort and surrender as stages of particular process... at first there is a though/desire to practise yoga, meditation or sadhana, followed by effort.. the energy one spends to start and maintain certain practises till the poin...t when one realizes that whatever we strive for in our sadhana i.e. self-realization is by grace of the all mighty anyway at that point the practise becomes effortless and one can surrender himself and fruits of his practise to the god,... Guidelines are hard to suggest as those feelings are very subjective and might vary from person to person... one has to follow his 'gut' feeling ... but how well do we know 'ourselves' to follow 'gut' feeling and not illusion of the mind ;))) that's different question all together....
Abhi: :).. Karma Yog vs Bhakti Yog.. lol.. whichever works for you at the given time... in the end.. "aho niranjano".. "even this is just happening"