How many calories does yoga burn?

How many calories burned through Hot Yoga vs Room Temperature Yoga?
One of our facebook friends asked this question and received several replies - what would you advise?

Natasha: what you mean hot yoga ! these new fads are no good .. your body should have proper atmospheric room temp where ever it may be .artificially controlled temp is no good for yoga ..
Yoga is best done outdoors under a tree or in the woods on... grass .
however cold the weather may be ..
The body looses calories depending upon the body structure and especially the bone structure and not fat avaialble as people think .·

Matthew: I totally agree. Yoga O-natural is much more organic and rewarding.

Sonya: almost 800-900kcal

Lucy: calories and yoga do not go together because eventually in higher levels of yoga you can work very well on a few calories. The fire of yoga can burn enormous amounts of food.....but yoga is about balance not dieting and control of diet should be according to just a little bit less than your hunger not counting calories. You are what you eat should be number consideration.

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