I need help loosening up into back bends, suggestions, anybody? Our facebook friends offered these suggestions - what would you add to this? Fernando: Oh I need the same... I guess it's just patience... Angele: Try some gentle basic stretches like starting in tadasana stretch right up out of the hips fingers really extended slowly release the arms down then chin into chest gently roll the body down visualising the space created between each verte...brae as you ease the crown down towards the floor then take each elbow creating a square with the arms and gently rock from side to side like a pendulum creating space in the spine thereby strengthening the back reverse the process repeat a few times you will soon notice the difference - hope this helps - love and light Shirley: Practise Bhujangasana~~will help. Alison: Angele, I love this way to gently warm up the spine. After doing this, a few rounds of cat & cow pose followed by surya namaskar and then some spinal twists like parivritta parsvakonasana (prayer twist), ardha matsyendrasana. Deeper backbends also require the front of the body to be open so table pose would be helpful in opening the shoulders and chest. Take it easy and always listen to what your body is telling you! Namaste xx Victor: Adding paschimotanasana to the poses suggested above could also help to loosening and strengthening of your lower back. Namaste :-) Shammi: Practice back bending asanas regularly such as salbhasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana and after doing these definitely practice the counter poses like child pose, paschimotanasana Lucy: Agree with all the above and if you practice chakrasana gently increasing the curve and duration you wil be able to lift a hand or foot (one ata time) this will enable you to move like a crab. this walking in ckrasan pose will give a totally trouble free back and have superb flexibility....progress slowly towards this point and never force yourself into any of these positions. gently day by day flexibility will come and pranayama is essential. especially bhastrika if you are in a cold climate. om

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