The yoga masters say that self-realization and yoga are my only duty. But I still feel I have a duty to my family. How do I reconcile this? What is right? This question was asked by one of our Facebook friends and received several answers. Do you have any other comments? Amira: Some say the route to self-realization is through devotion and making a good home/family. We can't know what road will take us there. Viviane: You should do what is right for you and others. You should have love and compassion with you and with the others. Maica: If you are happy, your family will aware of it and you will be able to share all this happiness with them, nobody can give something what he does not have or know. Gregg: Your family/partner is God. A cart goes down the road easier with 2 wheels. " 80% in Spiritual Life are running away from something." Swami Sahajananda Divine Life Society of South Africa Praveena: Anything you do----do with eeshwar pranidhanad---with this feeling--- and this will directly lead to Self realisation. Mei: the objective of yoga practice is to attain self realization, and with self realization every aspect of life and living will fall into place. at that time there will no longer be a need for fragmentation of life into family, friends, work, play etc. Saraswati: Take the month long Yoga Teacher Training Course with the Sivananda organization so that you realize and understand that yoga is not only the asanas but a way of life/philosophy that you practice 24/7 under any life circumstances (family/no family). Latitia: Every thing is sacred, every thing is meditation, when you put your heart AND concentration in it. May it be washing the dishes, cooking, raising children, making love, loving. convey also those beautiful words from Osho: "Whenever meditation is separate from life, something is wrong. It becomes life-negative. Then one starts thinking of going to a monastery or to a Himalayan cave. Then one wants to escape from, because life seems to be a distraction from meditation. Life is not a distraction, life is an occasion for meditation. Soyez attentif, vigilant à tout et ne faites pas de distinction entre les Be careful, careful of everything. And don't make any distinction between things, that this is trivia and that is spiritual. It depends on you. Pay attention, be careful, and everything becomes spiritual. Don't pay attention, don't be careful, and everything becomes unspiritual. Spirituality is imparted by you, it is your gift to the world." Yoga is breathing, yoga is awareness, yoga is life. OM :)

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