Chetankumar: Just Consume AMLA in moderate limits and ,do forward bending exercises,
DO NOT drink Water wen Ur stomach is empty.
U will be Alright,
Equal Acid + Equal Alkali = WATER (Ph Value= 7.0 )
Harini: Jaldothi !!! thrice in a week.
Shoumava: yes Asaramji bapu's shops has this ready made Amla churna it helps to reduce all three elements disorders
Assim: Follow Pitta-pacifying diet. Avoid hot and spicy foods, red meat, fish, vinegar, cheese, alcohol, and tobacco. Prefer cool (not ice cold) drinks, a vegetarian diet, dairy products (not yogurt), sweet fruit, most vegetables and grains.
Stay ...out of the sun; keep cool.
Minimize hot baths or showers.
Moderate exercise such as swimming, bicycling.
Take largest meal at noon; don't skip lunch.
Panchakarma purification procedures.
Daily meditation.
Listen to relaxing music.
Use Pitta-reducing herbs such as aloe, burdock, chrysanthemum, coconut, coriander, cumin, mint, pomegranate, sandalwood, shatavari (Indian asparagus), and natural sugar.
Shekhar: Om Namah Shivaya
Anju :- By practicing shatkaram (kunjal, shankparshalan)
Suresh: Follow Pitta-pacifying diet. Avoid hot and spicy foods, red meat, fish, vinegar, cheese, alcohol, and tobacco. Prefer cool (not ice cold) drinks, a vegetarian diet, dairy products (not yogurt), sweet fruit, most vegetables and grains.
Stay ...out of the sun; keep cool.
Minimize hot baths or showers.
Moderate exercise such as swimming, bicycling.
Take largest meal at noon; don't skip lunch.
Panchakarma purification procedures.
Daily meditation.
Listen to relaxing music.
Use Pitta-reducing herbs such as aloe, burdock, chrysanthemum, coconut, coriander, cumin, mint, pomegranate, sandalwood, shatavari (Indian asparagus), and natural sugar.
Keerthana: waking up early in the morning,drinking lots of water, having early dinner, sleeping early in the night are basic things to keep pitta under control.
Claire Tilson
Claire: Moderation, coolness, relax and meditate, surround yourself with natural beauty, decrease stimulants. Foods that balance pitta are sweet, bitter, astringent foods. Foods that aggravates pitta- pungent, sour, salty. Favour, asparagus, broc, ...cabbage, caul, celery, leafy green, sweet potatoes, apples, avo, cherries, coconut, figs, grapes, mangos, melons, oranges, barley, oats, wheat, white rice, butter, egg whites, ghee, ice cream, milk, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, reduce- garlic, hot peppers, onions, radishes, tomatoes, apricots, sour fruit, brown rice, corn, millet, rye, buttermilk, matured cheese, sour cream, yoghurt, red meat, lentils, almonds, corn, sesame.. To bring down aggravated pitta - 2 tablespoons of ghee in a glass of warm milk. Avoid salt cravings, only adds to inflame your appetite. Drink cool water, not iced. Eat salads..
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