pls gv me some imp tips to decrease my breast part any diet or by yoga or any exercise.
pls gv me some imp tips to decrease my breast part any diet or by yoga or any exercise.
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I'd like to submit the following in regards with U r discussion How to loose upper body part(Breast).
Breast is mostly composed of Fatty tissues, milk secretary glands, ducts & some fibrous tissues.Actually breasts are positioned on the front chest muscle - the pectoralis majors.(See diagram).
Generally the size of the Breast is determined by the Genes & Genetics.Usually it increases in size in a pregnant woman as pregnancy advances & during breast feed and automatically becomes normal when she stops breast feeding.
Another factor is the deposit of extra fatty tissues in the breast for the following reasons. 1) Over eating & 2) Lack of physical exercise. Hence U must be callory conscious & any physical exercise which will help increase the fat metabolism definitely reduce the size of the breast.
a) Avoid taking oily foods, fried food stuffs & fast foods which are rich in fat.U can add more fruits & vegetables in u r daily meals.b) Brisk to moderate walk at least 5 days in a week - for 30 mts. helps U r General metabolism of fat & cholesterol.
c) U can try little exercises like turning around from left to right by either standing or sitting in a fixed position.
d) Physical Yoga exercises help in increase metabolic rate & heart rate to burn the extra deposit of the fats in the body & further aid in the reduction of fat in the breast region.( Also refer Suka dev Bretz jee's discussion - weight loss with Yoga).
e)Some Yoga experts suggest Sun salutation & kundal

ini Yoga for increasing metabolic rate.Also recommend Wheel pose ,Semi wheel pose & fish pose - All said to do wonders for the reduction of extra fat deposit in the Trunk region.f) Arm stretch pose also effective for the reduction of breast size. This can be carried out with the following steps. 1(Sit with U r knees bent.
2)Let u r toes be pressed firmly on the ground.
3)Keep U r hands back.
4) Touch the floor with U r hands.
5)Slowly lift U r hands up to U r shoulders & inhale deeply.
6) Lift U r hand up wards & exhale.
7) Repeat it for a few more times.
8) Relax.
with kind regards, K.Sakthidasan.