Problems with lots of muscles and yoga

I started doing yoga a couple months ago and I love it. I'm a pretty muscular guy and the problem is when I do the plow I can't breath, so I end up holding my breath and then I have to come out of the posture early. Has anyone with experience with this problem got any advice for me? This question was asked on our facebook page and received several answers - do you have any other advice? Claire: Firstly listen to your body, the body speaks to those who listen.. Maybe this asana is not for u, remember ahimsa! Before u go into the posture try placing a blanket under the neck and shoulders, draw ur shoulders down and tuck in the neck, making space between the ears and shoulders (lengthening the spine and neck) and then move into shoulderstand, feel like you are lifting from the feet, so you don't have all the pressure on the neck and when u are comfortable then move into halasana.. Hari om tat sat.. Hniat: I agree with @ Claire Tilson... well; whenever you feel you got problem re-start your position & bend your body very slowly. Just try it, i hope you'll feel comfortable & breath well :) Arya: GREAT

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