Sivananda Guru Gram

Issue #08/10 – Aug 01, 2010 

Published from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Toronto, Canada Html formatted version of this guru-gram available at 



When you love God, you love everything.  All are His manifestations.
 - Sri Swami Sivananda 


* News 
* Sivananda Yoga FAQ 
* Hatha Yoga Tips 
* Yoga Sanskrit Glossary 
* Vegetarian Cuisine 
* Upcoming Events 
* International News 
* Yoga Camp, Val Morin 
* Yoga Farm, California 
* Sivananda Ashram, Kerala 
* Sivananda Ashram, Bahamas 
* Retreat House, Austria 
* Chateau du Yoga, Orleans 
* Sivananda Ashram, Netala 
* Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. 
* Yoga Centre, London 
* Yoga Centre, Berlin 
* Yoga Centre, Munich 
* Yoga Centre, Vienna 
* Yoga Centre, Buenos Aires 
* Yoga Centre, Chennai 
* Yoga Centre, Chicago 
* Yoga Centre, New Delhi 
* Yoga Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi 
* Yoga Centre, Geneva 
* Yoga Centre, Los Angeles 
* Yoga Centre, Madrid 
* Yoga Centre, Madurai, India 
* Yoga Centre, Montevideo 
* Yoga Centre, Montreal 
* Yoga Centre, New York 
* Yoga Centre, Paris 
* Yoga Centre, Rome 
* Yoga Centre, San Francisco 
* Yoga Centre, Tel Aviv 
* Yoga Centre, Toronto 
* Yoga Centre, Trivandrum 


Blessed Self,
Om Namah Sivaya 

We are glad to inform you that the annual Kaavadi chariot festival at the Yoga 
Camp was a huge success with over 15,000 people attending the event.  We had a 
broad coverage of the event by local news papers and some of the TV channels. 
Swamiji's energy was felt very strong by one and all who attended and left happy 
from the day’s event. 

Yoga Camp had a nice group of TTC students, under the guidance of Swami 
Mahadevanandaji and the staff members.  Ashram was very peaceful and serene. 

An update on 2010 YOGA FOR INNER PEACE Worldwide Reunion of Sivananda Yoga 
Teachers: We are very happy to inform you that we have received over 450 
confirmed applications of Yoga Teachers from around the globe who will be coming 
with a tent to attend the Worldwide Sivananda Yoga Teachers Reunion 2010 from 
August 12th until 14th.  At present we are busy preparing the tent city at 
Swamiji's airstrip. There are many logistics and arrangements that are underway 
for this huge festival at the Yoga Camp. We are very happy that Swamiji's 
teachings are so powerful that they are bringing everyone together after many 

The 3-day program includes yoga classes, celebrated vegetarian foods, an evening 
cultural program, group discussions and Satsangs with Swami Mahadevanandaji, and 
other members of the Executive Board. Swami Mahadevananda will also be offering 
an informative and entertaining discussion every afternoon. There will be plenty 
of time in the day to also visit with friends around the poolside and lawns of 
the Ashram. In addition Potti Swami will be here from India to perform an 

Homa on the morning of 16th Saturday. 

A few points to remember:

There is no charge for this event. Please bring your own tent and bedding, etc. 

If you haven't already registered, please make reservations on line now at as we are planning on accepting up to 500
participants for the event. 

Yoga Camp 

Feel you are all-pervading Atman.  Live in Atman.  Rejoice in Atman.
 - Sri Swami Sivananda 

SIVANANDA YOGA FAQ ~~~ Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1: Are there fulfilled prophecies in the Hindu scriptures?  

A: The Lord has given His ever-standing promise that He would appear on earth 
whenever there is a danger to Dharma, whenever Adharma tries to vanquish Dharma. 
To fulfill that promise He has appeared many times in the form of saints and 
sages who have protected Dharma from decay and from the onslaughts of foreign 
oppression. They have instilled new elements of vigour and perspective in 
Hinduism. Therefore, Hinduism continues to flourish. Whenever there is a 
necessity, saints and sages will emerge, not from the heavens, but from among 
the people themselves. Hinduism does not believe exclusively in one prophet. The 
prophecies given in the Puranas about the state of affairs to come have also 
proved true. 

Q 2: If the Soul is immortal, why does Swamiji celebrate his birthday which 
belongs to the body? 

A: I do not celebrate my birthday. It is the devotees who do it. Celebration of 
such birthdays is equal to worship of Para Brahman. Worship of the Guru is 
worship of Para Brahman. The devotees take delight in celebrating the birthday, 
and they are benefited, uplifted. A spiritual wave is created year after year 
when the birthday is celebrated, and more and more people get a chance of 
knowing the existence of the Divine Life Society and my teachings. The 
celebrations of the birthday is an annual reminder to the aspirants of the 
purpose of their life. It is a fillip to their Sadhana. The pious, receptive 
attitude prevalent on such an occasion draws forth the grace of the Guru and God 
upon the devotees. The thoughts of peace, love, devotion, etc., sent out by the 
innumerable devotees that assemble together to celebrate the birthday go a long 
way to promote peace, harmony and spiritual well-being in the land.

It is not without purpose that the Hindus celebrate the birthdays of religious 
leaders, saints and sages, such as Buddha Jayanti, Sankara Jayanti, Mahavira 
Jayanti, etc. The Hindu calendar is spotted with many such Jayantis and other 
holy days, so that the observance of these Jayantis and holy days may give the 
needed spiritual impetus to people and they may strive with increased zeal for 
the attainment of the purpose of life, viz., God-realization. The more we have 
of such special, holy days, the more we have the chance of being inspired to 
intensify our spiritual progress. 

Q 3: I am convinced that praying to saints and worshipping them is absolutely 
wrong. They prayed to God and found salvation for themselves, and in like 
manner, we also can take care of our salvation without depending on any saint. 

A: No. It is not so. Saints and sages are worthy of our adoration and prayers, 
because they have shown us the ways to God-realization. The apprentice, who has 
just entered service in any field, is expected to have an attitude of submission 
and receptivity to his senior who trains him on the job, although the latter may 
be a man like himself. The same is applicable in the field of spirituality. By 
respecting saints and following their teachings, you grow in spirituality, you 
learn to love, and know God more adequately. May God bless you! 

Saturate your mind with divine thoughts. - Sri Swami Sivananda 


ANJANEYASANA - All levels 

An excellent backward-bending exercise, Anjaneyasana also stretches the hips, 
thighs and legs. It is also a balance posture. When practiced properly inner 
peace will arise. 

From a forward lunge, lower knee and top of back foot to the ground. Lift hands 
off floor and lift up torso so spine is erect. Chest is lifting upward and body 
is erect. Inhale, exhale. Bring palms together in namaste at chest. Hold this 
pose for a few moments to achieve a physical and mental balance. 

Next, inhale and reach the hands above the head, elongating the arms up. Exhale, 
extend the arms back behind the head. The head is between the arms. Keep the 
palms together and the arms straight alongside the ears. As the arms arch back, 
allow the body to follow, arching back. Allow hips to stretch forward. Knee is 
in line and directly above the toes. Hold for several breaths. Repeat with other 
leg forward. 


    * Opening the front hip crease, legs, thighs and arm pits
    * An opening of the shoulders, middle back and front of throat
    * A balance posture


Space is no limitation.  Distance is no barrier.  Thou art all-pervading Soul. 
- Sri Swami Sivananda 

This yoga tip from the new Sivannada publication
 - “Yoga: Your Home Practice Companion” – Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre - 2010. 


...continuing with the Avatar Series, let’s review the different forms:

The Srimad Bhagavata Purana is a chronicle of the various Avataras of Lord 
Vishnu. There are ten Avataras of Vishnu. The aim of every Avatara is to save 
the world from some great danger, to destroy the wicked and protect the 
virtuous. The ten Avataras are: Matsya (The Fish), Kurma (The Tortoise), Varaha 
(The Boar), Narasimha (The Man-Lion), Vamana (The Dwarf), Parasurama (Rama with 
the axe, the destroyer of the Kshatriya race), Ramachandra (the hero of the 
Ramayana—the son of Dasaratha, who destroyed Ravana), Sri Krishna, the teacher 
of the Gita, Buddha (the prince-ascetic, founder of Buddhism), and Kalki 
(the hero riding on a white horse, who is to come at the end of the Kali-Yuga).  

This month we review PARASURAMA AVATARA – Rama with the axe, the destroyer of 
the tyranny of the warrior-caste, the Kshatriya race.  The object of Parasurama 
Avatara was to deliver the country from the oppression of the Kshatriya rulers. 
Parasurama destroyed the Kshatriya race twenty-one times. Parasurama (Axe-wielding 
Rama), is the Sixth avatara of Vishnu, and a son of Jamadagni. He is also the 
first Sovereign Emperor known to man. He received an axe after undertaking a 
terrible penance to please Shiva, from whom he learned the methods of warfare 
and other skills. 

As the story goes, King Kaartaveerya-arjuna (Sahasrarjuna) and his army visited 
Jamadagni, Parasurama’s father and a brahmin sage. Jamagagni fed his guest and 
the whole army with his divine cow, Subarea. The king demanded to have the 
magical cow but Jamadagni refused because he needed the cow for his religious 
ceremonies. Later, King Kaartaveerya-arjuna (Sahastrarjuna) sent his soldiers to 
take the cow. Parasurama stepped in and killed the entire army and the king with 
his axe. In return, the prince beheaded Jamadagni. 

The purpose of the sixth incarnation of Vishnu is considered to relieve the 
earth's burden by exterminating the sinful, destructive and irreligious monarchs 
that pillaged its resources and neglected their duties as kings. 

However, unlike all other avatars, Parasurama still lives on earth even today. 
Secondly, he is an Avesha Avatara, a secondary type of Avatara. In such an 
Avatara, Vishnu does not directly descend such as that of Rama but instead 
enters the soul of a man with His form. Accordingly, unlike Rama and Krishna, 
Parasurama is not worshipped. But in South India, there exists one major temple 
commemorating Parasurama. 

Other notes about Parasurama, the story goes on that Parasurama was struck by 
remorse at the King’s wanton killings, and offered penance on a mountain top. 
The sea god Varuna responded, and offered Parasurama land equal to the distance 
he could throw his axe. Parasurama threw his axe from Gokarnam and it fell at 
Kanyakumari. As promised the sea gave way to land, thus giving rise to Kerala. 

According to one legend, Parasurama also went to visit Siva once but the way was 
blocked by Ganesha. Parasurama threw the axe at him and Ganesha, knowing it had 
been given to him by Shiva, allowed it cut off one of his tusks. 

Love knows no reward.  Love knows no fear. - Sri Swami Sivananda 

Complete glossary can be found at:


From Discourse II - Sadhana Pada - On Spiritual Disciplines


“The Niyamas consists of cleanliness, contentment, austerity, self study, and 
self surrender. 


The 'niyamas' are observances which cultivate positive qualities. They involve 
purification, stilling the mind, self-discipline, inquiry into the nature of the 
Self, and surrendering the personal will, or ego, to the Supreme will. Aside 
from cleanliness, one should cultivate indifference toward the body. Cleanliness 
means internal as well as external purification. A proper diet based on 
vegetarianism and natural foods, specialized yogic cleansing techniques, and the 
Yoga exercises keep the body internally pure and free from obstructions. 
Cleanliness also extends to the mind. Only when it is it is purified of all 
dross can it be a pure mirror for the reflection of the Self. 

Walk in the foot-steps of the great Saviours and Saints of the world. - Sri 
Swami Sivananda 

- from 'The Yoga Cook Book' – a collection of recipes from the Sivananda Yoga 


STOVETOP MILLET CAKES – These cakes are like thick pancakes. They make a full 
meal, served with tomato sauce or Salsa, steamed vegetables and a mixed salad. 
Other vegetables may be substituted for the zucchini. Serves 4 to 6. 


2 cups millet
1 liter water
A pinch of salt
1 1/3 cups chopped zucchini
1 tsp grated lemon zest
3 tbsp whole wheat flour
2 tbsp oil
7 ounces firm tofu, crumbled 


   1. Place the millet in a large pan with the water and salt.
   2. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for about 30 minutes.
   3. Add the zucchini, bring back to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes longer. 
      Leave to cool.
   4. When cold, mash the millet and zucchini.
   5. Add the remaining ingredients and stir to make a thick batter, adding a 
      little water if necessary.
   6. Heat a lightly oiled, large skillet. Cook two or three cakes at a 
      time; for each one, place a handful of millet mixture into the the pan
      and press it down with a wet metal spatula.
   7. Cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side, until golden brown. 
      Keep warm.

Meditation and contentment are the secrets of good health and longevity.
- Sri Swami Sivananda 

Previous recipes can be found at:


AUGUST 2010 

06 - Ekadasi
10 - New Moon
20 - Ekadasi
23 - Onam
24 - Full Moon (Rakhi) 

There is no virtue like Truthfulness. - Sri Swami Sivananda 


Jul 31 - Aug 28/10
TTC – English, Francais, Deutsch, Espanol
Reith, Tyrol, Austria

Aug 01 – Aug 28/10
ATTC – English, Francais, Espanol
Val Morin, QC- Canada

Aug 01 – Aug 29/10
TTC – Francais
Orleans, France

Aug 15 – Sep 12/10
TTC – Espanol
En Aluenda, Zaragoza

Aug 28 - Sep 26/10
TTC – English, Polski, Lietuviu, Russian
Ustka, Baltic Sea, Poland

Aug 29 - Sep 26/10
TTC – English, Francais, Deutsch, Espanol
Reith, Tyrol, Austria

Sep 5 - Oct 02/10
TTC – English, Francais, Espanol
Val Morin, QC- Canada

Sep 5 - Oct 02/10
TTC – English, Italiano
Umbria, Italy

Sep 10 - Oct 08/10
TTC – English
Woodbourne, NY USA

Oct 03 - Oct 31/10
TTC – English
Uttar Kashi, India

Oct 03 - Oct 31/10
TTC – English
Grass Valley, CA, USA

See full list of international courses and events:

Be humble.  Be simple.  Be gentle.  Be sweet.  Be frank like a child.  You will 
enter the realm of eternal bliss. - Sri Swami Sivananda 


The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams:  

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp, Sivananda Headquarters, Val Morin, Quebec, Canada 

Om Namah Sivaya, Greetings from the Headquarters.

We are glad to inform you that the annual Kaavadi chariot festival at the Yoga 
Camp was a huge success with over 15,000 people attending the event.  We had a 
broad coverage of the event by local news papers and some of the TV channels. 
Swamiji's energy was felt very strong by one and all who attended and left happy 
from the day’s event. 

Yoga Camp had a nice group of TTC students, under the guidance of Swami 
Mahadevanandaji and the staff members.  Ashram was very peaceful and serene. 

Sivananda Dhanwanthari Ashram, Neyyar Dam, Kerala, India 

Namah Sivaya to all. In July a highlight was Wednesday 14th July. The day 
started with Guru Puja and Abhisekam performed by Adi Santi during morning 
Satsang with all guests. Later in the morning, pongala (cooking sweet rice over 
a fire) was performed by the Ashram ladies as part of the monthly Ailiyam 
(Swami Vishnudevananda's birth star) worship at the lakeside Subramanya Temple. 
At the same time we inaugurated the first free Ayurveda Medical Camp held at the 
Sivananda nursery school close to the Ashram. The event was supported by Dr L 
Mahadevan and a team of 5 doctors from the Sree Sarada Ayurvedic Hospital as 
well as our own Dr Vishnu and SIH staff. The local district medical officer as 
well as an AIDS awareness team were also present. A total of 163 patients were 
seen and given free medicine over 4 hours. The event was appreciated by all and 
we are already planning for the next camp. Pranams & Om Namah Sivaya from all 
staff at Neyyar Dam.  


Sivananda Ashram, Netala, Uttarkashi, Himalayas, North India

Om Namo Narayanaya - Greetings from Uttar Kashi. In July we concluded the TTC. 
The students were busy with their studies. They finished their teaching schedule 
and took keen interest in how to teach children's class, golden years class and 
pregnancy classes. We had Devi Pooja and the TTC examination followed by 
graduation and talent show. Most of the students left the Ashram with a heavy 
heart on Sunday. Pranams to all.  


Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India 

Om Namo Narayanaya. July is quiet. Our Staff took this time to concentrate on 
théier personal practices. Anoop left for Kerala for few days. Lal éther regular 
activities continued as usual. New staff members found some time to learn tunes 
of the chants to have variety in the Satsang session. All are well and conveying 
Pranams. OM. 


Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch Colony, Woodburne, NY, USA 

Om Namah Sivaya! In July the ATTCs continued with zeal and inspiration. The Yoga 
of Recovery Certification course completed with 10 graduates. We were blessed to 
have motivating and touching Satsangs with Swami Sitaramananda. We welcomed 
Swami Swaroopananda, Swami Premaswaroopananda, Rukmini and Jnaneshwari to to the 
Ranch. We were blessed to have Swami Sivananda's Mahasamadhi puja with

Krishnam Namboodhiri and 5 of Swami Vishnudevananda's senior disciples. We held 
akanda kirtan of Swami Sivananda's name all day at the Siva temple. Swami 
Swaroopananda delivered an evening Satsang of questions and answers, leaving 

Ashram's guests and students with inspiration. The staff are very well and send 
pranams to all. 

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, California, USA 

Om Namah Sivaya! In July the Yoga Farm hosted its annual Family Vacation Week 
led by Vidya Chaitanya. 20 parents and children attended and enjoyed Kids Yoga 
Classes, Satsangs, Arts and Crafts, Nature Walks and day trips to the Yuba 
River. The energy was very good as many of the parents also took part in the 
Positive Thinking Course led by Vidya Chaitanya and Kailas Chaitanya. Over the 
weekend Swami Padmapadananda continued teaching workshops on Positive Thinking 
with many other new students. The Yoga Farm had its monthly Ayurveda Massage and 
Rejuvenation Weekend with consultations and treatments available to guests. We 
held another successful Open House with new yoga students coming for yoga class, 
organic dinner and Satsang. Om Namah Sivaya to all blessed selves from the Yoga 

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, Nassau, Bahamas 

Om Namo Narayanaya, Blessed Selves. In July Swami Brahmananda read us inspiring 
stories about the life of Swami Sivananda for a beautiful celebration for his 
Mahasamadhi. The altar was beautifully decorated with many photos of the Master 
and staff made many treats to offer as prasad. Om Shanti from all the staff in 

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat House, Reith/Kitzbühel Tyrol, Austria 

Om Namah Sivaya. The topic Ayurveda and Health attracted a good number of 
guests. The programme included a cooking class, after which everybody was eager 
to practice some ayurvedic cooking also at home. 30 TTC graduates came for the 
first weekend in the month to attend the further teachers training course Yoga 
for Children. A group of more advanced vacationers joined for a week of 
“expansion in the asana”. Another further training for yoga teachers started on 
the topic Yoga over 50 took place with 20 teachers, focusing on gentle 
variations of the basic postures. On the 14th of July we celebrated Master 
Sivanandas Mahasamadhi with a beautiful puja. Many stories, kirtans and of 
course a nice prasad made it an elevating and joyful event for everybody. A TTC 
prep group drew inspiration and determination, ready to come back soon for the 
course. On Saturday the yoga of herb certificate course started, with daily 
excursions, as well as many preparations of foods, teas and medicine from 
natures pharmacy. It is most amazing to see how much healing plants actually 
grow in the surroundings. Om Namo Narayanaya. 

Sivananda Ashram Chateau du Yoga, Orleans, France 

Om Namah Sivaya. After a final big effort in all the various Ashram departments 
– platform painted, temple tent repaired, flowers put in the garden, bushes 
trimmed, asana hall painted, boutique renovated, new office installed, our TTC 
July 2010 started with 63 students and the ATTC with 20 students. We had very 
nice inaugurations for the courses led by the Acharyas, with a procession and 
peace Mantra chanting all around the Ashram paths, ending at the temple. Swami 
Durgananda and Swami Sivadasananda were at the Ashram for the first week and 
shared much energy and inspiration with students and staff. The evening Satsangs 
were most uplifting with divine music and words of wisdom from the scriptures. 
Many Karmayogis came for the month to help with the translation (in French, 
Spanish and portugese), teaching, cooking, reception and various other 
departments. We had a special guest “Diana Mossop” who spoke about vibrational 
medicine using the healing proprettes. We had with us Dr. Shastri from London 
who taught the Sanskrit classes to the ATTC. He also taught spoken Sanskrit to 
the guests. In the evening we had beautiful lectures with him on Swami 
Vivekananda, on Sanskrit poetry and on the Vedas. We also have a very good 
number of guests who enjoy the high energy of the Ashram and the magnificent 
weather. OM. 


The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres: 

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum, Berlin, Germany

Om Namah Sivaya. The new summer/fall brochure arrived from the printer and the 
mailing was prepared by a group of dedicated Karma Yogis. We had an Open House 
which attracted a good number of new souls to the Centre. For the first time we 
offered a short cookery workshop as part of the Open House programme which was 
very much appreciated by the participants. We also introduced the recitation of 
a chapter of the Bhagavad Gita on Saturday evenings before Satsang which created 
a supportive energy for the following silent meditation. A cooking class with 
the topic “light and fresh summer menus”, was enjoyed by all participants. We 
celebrated Swami Sivanandas Mahasamadhi with a Puja, Kirtans, lots of flowers 
and stories about Masters life. Another retreat was our “Day of Mantras” 
consisting of  a two hour Asana class in the morning with longer holding of the 
postures, prolonged Pranayama and Tratak and lots of Mantra practice: long 
chanting of ”Om Namo Narayanaya” for world peace, a silent Mantra walk, Likhita 
Japa, sanskrit recital of several chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and Satsang on 
the topic of “Yoga of sound”. Preparations for the upcoming teachers training 
course at the Baltic sea in Poland are continuing and the Centre is also getting 
ready for a 5 day vacation retreat in a beautiful nature spot close to Berlin. 

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