Using a tummy tightener belt during asanas

Namaste, can you please advise me if wearing a tummy tighter belt during performing asanas such as, paschimotanasana, dhanurasana, bhujang asana is good to bring a better impact on bulging stomach? One of our Facebook friends asked this question and received the following replies. Do you have anything to add to this? Chandan: In the practice of asana or yoga, from ancient days it is recommended to do proper asana with-out clothing’s but in modern age and civilization light and extremely loose fit clothing is mandatory to avoid side negative effects. For verification and acknowledgements it is recommended to contact a true Hatya yogi or certified yoga teacher. Kavita: Thank you for your suggestion:) Mae: Refined white carbs (white bread and white rice) cause bublging tummies. I would recommend eating gluten-free, no refined white sugar or white flour. Hazel: I would say no you should use muscle strength to hold your stomach in while practicing, when you perform any asana a benefit is that the organs in the stomach are massaged. For Paschimotanasana, the organs are squeezed and moved to allow for at can't happen if you pull them in with a belt can it ? Yeah and don't eat for 2 hours before practice. Claire: what are you thinking ?! we are all doing asana practise with our eyes shut and worrying about our own bellies. x Claudia: I´m doing it for health...maybe my stomach is not build enough yet...but in the end health is beauty.. when you are healthy and balanced, and can walk with a right back, and your body is flexible and light not only your stomach looks good .. but the glow inside and outside of you :) Guru Bala: No Kavitha, tight clothings will restrct your movements, even if it is a belt, do all the poses you mentioned with loose clothings and wear, you will get the desired effect ! Kavita: Thanks a lot everyone, I appreciate your comments:)

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