since i had made a vasektomie,i cant meditate any more.
mind -problem or reality.
since i had made a vasektomie,i cant meditate any more.
mind -problem or reality.
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I w'd like to offer My humble opinion on u r query - Vasectomy & Meditation. Well, Vasectomy means surgical resection of the tube called Vas deferrence (see enclosed diagram) that carries sperms into the urethra(passage of urine) in males.If a person undergoes vasectomy, his semen will be free of sperms & this minor surgical procedure doesn't affect the production of sperms from the Testes or the Male Hormon- Testesteron.Hence u r as equal to as u were before Vasectomy in all Physical & Physiological respect,

except the absence of sperms in semen.In My point of view u r problem is purely psychological which should be get rid of from u r mind & u can concentrate on wishes -K. Sakthidasan
best wishes.peter