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The National Center For Online Safety is actively involved in finding Jessie Foster. which has been featured on Americas most wanted as well as other national tv programs.
Please visit our website for all the details about this case as well as pictures. Jessie Foster is suspected to be a victim of human trafficking which is one of the horrible things that can be a result to contact with a online predator.
At this time N.C.O.S. is assuming all the costs for us to pay for the investigation. We need your help since N.C.O.S. doesn't recieve government grants or assistance we are asking you to open your hearts to help fund this investigation by donating to the National Center For Online Safety you can do this through our myspace profile or by visiting our website.
Please help her family and N.C.O.S. by repost this bulletin twice a day and by visiting our website for updates.
Thank you
Jason Montney
Nationalcenterforonlinesafety. org
