This question was asked by one of our Facebook friends and received several answers. Do you have any other comments?
Dennis: A place of religious retreat modeled after the Indian ashram...To be a yogi one has to attain the Knowledge of this practice...You can not just open up a studio and say that your a yogi even if you have practiced for years,you must be tauhg...t by a yogi...It's just like Martial Arts you can't say your a Black Belt if you have never seen a Dojo...Ashram to me is the only way to be a true yogi and by going to India and paying homage to all the yogi's that have past down this wonderful way of life...The benefit of being in an ashram is the one on one time with the teacher,also the practice of quieting of the mind...This is what legends are made of "Namaste To All".....(8).....
Alice: Can u please list some of the best ashrams in India and especifically in Mumbai?
Mita: yes...Ashram" target="_blank">Ashram,,,,,,means..a place of discipline...principal..rules...n focus..on ur....knowledge,,,,,of gaining...spritutal awarance,,,,,
Like v parents can teach our kid....studies...then y do v send to ScHOOL.........same way
Nicole: read: Eat Pray Love.... hehuhiuhuahiuhe
Guru Bala: It's like a Gurukulam, discipling physical,emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of one's life !
Harte: Ashram can be considered as a Place on earth which has been sanctified by spiritual waves, a place where you have all the supportive ingredient to fight against Desire and conquer weakness in Human Body and eventually excel in spiritual land....
Another way to Understand ashram a place where your senses are devoid of passion, and you are working in communion with soul and mind...To understand this, first you have to understand what is passion?
Passion:Working intensively to fulfill desired object, condition being: all the channels of Buddhi (Power to discriminate) being closed..
This word passion is very common in corporate world--They devoid you of your mental resources and get y...ou work for them to generate revenues at the cost of death of your Power to discriminate..This is passion?
ashram (Sanskrit/Hindi: आश्रम) is a religious hermitage.
Locus:Indian cultural activity such as yoga, religious instruction in a systematic way...It is a place where discipline is cultivated...
Importance of Ashram:"The moral and spiritual developments of the soul"
just! take distance from problems or any things that bother me.this place gives me peace,tranquility.....deep breath......everythings that need my sou l& body
Shoumava: It serves the purpose of becoming a monk by living in a monastery similarly a Yogi living in an Ashram it gives shelter
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