When the prana departs from the body, where does it go? This question was asked by one of our Facebook friends and received several answers. Do you have any other comments? Dennis: The Prana goes back to the source of all existence.... Amira: Our language isn't sufficient to express what occurs? Is there any such thing as separation? Shoumava: cosmos Mis: It goes to the vital energy to the sun Vikram: sum total remains the same changing form in divine grace. shiva. Mita: as per jainism pran@soul of attma goes as per ur karma....in another body....n when u achieve moksh...it stops from birth n death cycle......... Praveena: The best ans i have heard is ---when we blow out the flame of a candle where does it go? Kapil: when prana lefts one's body it goes in different body by taking new birth as per his karma or if he gains salvation before death, it goes there where he came from; atma (soul or prana) gets absorbed in paramatma(supreme soul or creator). Palash: when prana departs from the body it goes to other body ,may be any animal,any bird,any organism,even small like ants,even big as elephant,or even human. 'life is an echo,you get back wat u give' Bobby: As a breaking wave is absorbed into totality of ocean, prana absorbed by totality of being(all that is) Swami Saradananda: OM As part of the astral body, when the prana departs from the physical body, it exists for some time on a more subtle vibratory plane before entering another body. Bobby: prove it Gayathre: f any one wants proof. please read the book, many lives many masters by dr brian weiss. Marda: ‎:) @ it does not need to be proven. It is what it is and the experience of this reality changes the way u look at and experience life. Namaste Chandan: Wanta know the secret? This how it is... just after the human death 90% gross, infatuated souls stay next to the dead body with total confition till cremation. After creamation when the dealth is confirmed to the departed it flow to the dim...entional warm hole for judgement to lunar plane. But for next 11/ 13 days the soul keeps on bouncing back and forth from his/her palce of death to the lunar plane in disbelief's and attachmental pulls. After causal judgement of the soul iat lunar dimention ithe soul is mandated to it particular plane of existance at extra terrestial dimention for astral hibernation or astral life till next birth. Balance 10 % soul is specialty case. Discloser of details with proof is only possible by physical presence of both the investigator (Yogi) and his/her master yogi. This perticular meta science is call pret-tavva-vid, vividly taught under Veera Tantra & Kaula Trantra. Science of death, a serious investigative domain of yogis. in nono spec the above info is tuff to digest, so deatils demands the investigator to have serious inter-dimentional transpondance capibility. Wish you all the best for futher research, but a serious teacher is recomended who can guide and protect the investigator from serious trouble. Good luck Rajeshwari: air?

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