Some of our Facebook friends answered - do you have any further clarification?
Ashley: Soul-ar plexus :)
Luciana: the soul reside in all energy centers and in our mind, the body is the temple of soul. Be on gard of them, carefully whit the body in respect
of your soul.
Raj: soul is kindda energy..n actually our body resides in soul not soul resides in body..we cn feel our energy or aura( in more specific
words)j8 outer of our body..dis is a soul..aura is a part o our
soul..if any1 wanna test..den keep ur palm j8 above ur any body
part...n feel d energy..:-)
Bharat: what is soul??... if you know that, you'll understand it easily and better... the way I understand it is, your body is sum-total of all
elements in certain proportion, the chemical reaction is the energy
that keeps you alive, with help of pran
(breathing).... we say all answers are within us, reason to that being
"any chemical reaction happening anywhere in universe, is happening
inside your body".... death is your pran leaving your body, the
chemical reaction will continue elsewhere... this.... we know how to
prolong that reaction source to stay in body, and the way is to not let
your pran leave the body.... know "Khiri-Nand"?
Nalini: only the souls knows coz the soul has the sole knowledge
Anil: Meditate to experience the soul. It is all pervading, no part of the body would exist or function without the Spirit (Soul as you
mentioned). Attempting to understand Spirit with words, thoughts,
intellectual debate & imagination can only give direction to reach
the soul because of limitedness of the object trying to perceive it.
Spirit / Soul is the origin of words, thoughts, imagination not the
other way around.
Bharat: with respect to all getting offended with my statement here........ kindly try to understand my statement, please