Yoga and varicose veins

Can yoga help me remove my varicose veins? What yoga postures should I do to help with this? One of our Facebook friends asked this question and received the following replies. Do you have anything to add to this? Brad: All inversions and pawanmuktasana first series. Poses for vyana would be good. I gotta say something here though. The way that these questions are being put out, "what is good for this and what is good for that" is not yoga. It is an allopa...thic way of looking for quick fixes to the symptoms of the problems. There is no fix to the symptoms, get to the root and deal with that. You might as well be writing all these tips down for each little thing and publish a westernized book on therapeutic yoga. It doesn't work that way. And yes, i am joking, please don't do that. :) Learn the roots, learn how it all works. Please don't turn yoga into an exercise regime or a way to try to treat purvarupa.See More Mei: for a mild asana which can be done anytime, anywhere, try viparita karani Guru Bala: I have seen many has improved doing Upavishta Konasa, widespread angle pose ! Sibongile: Yes it will Praveena: Brad is so right the ultimate aim of yoga is not good health but it comes as a byproduct. inversion posture takes help of gravity to push all the impure blood from the leg area with ease. Sita Chaitanya: I agree with you Brad, yoga should not be handed out as a prescription. It's a holistic practice. But the reality is that people want advice and if doing certain practices improves their health and leads them further on the path it's ok with me. This site couldn't function if we told everyone to go away with their questions. Amira: Not to give medical advice but recommend books on yoga and health. Vikram: no harm done by what the site does - it begins an interest. we all had a beginning which we seem to forget. rather do an asana than have a pill. so I tell others. just like a lot of us. and on a more 'heavy' note, the beginning and end of is karma yoga. thumbs up to this site. got a lot of people together, put a lot of stuff out, and some interesting discussion. maybe some people benefited. that i think was the intention. karma yoga.See More Brad: Yes, in no way am I coming down on trying to get it out there. My point once again and clearer this time is that Varicose veins are a symptom. Raktavahasrotas problem as well as vyana as well as other stuff. This person could have other problems that would make inversions contraindicated but we (all of us) are just looking at the symptom and then handing out asanas irresponsibly like candy to children. It is huge the karmic debt that comes with this. I just wish everyone would look at this a little bit. The symptoms can be compared to a boulder in a river. If you just work on finding a solution to the symptom the root disease will just find a new route around the boulder. Most of the time you are just causing a new and even deeper problem by dealing with the symptom. Think of the karma behind this. It is better to not do anything than prescribe irresponsibly. Swami Saradananda: OM - stay away from lotus pose. Do lots of shoulderstand. Brad: Take this for what it is. This is a snippet from Charaka SamhitaQualities of a good physician: of high descent, well-versed in scripture, having practical knowledge, expert, clean, skillful, self-controlled, well-equipped, having all sens...e organs normal, knowers of constitution and course of action. Su29#7 Syllabus of Required Knowledge for a Good Physician:/ Standardized Required Knowledge of Competent Physician: Such physicians are free from doubt in anatomy, embryology, physiology and pathology, and also in the distinct knowledge of etiology, prodroma, suitability in relation to curable, hardly curable, palliable and rejectable diseases; are interpr3eters of the 3-fold Ayurvedic principle [which is ...V-P-K?] with brevity as well as details alongwith the 3-fold group of drugs [which is...?]; appli4ers of 35 roots and fruits, 4 fats, 5 salts, 8 urines, 8 milks, 6 plants w3ith latex and bark, groups of drugs useful in 5 measures such as head evacuation etc. [the Pancha Karmas], 28 gruels, 32 powder-ointments, 600 evacuatives and 500 decoctives; well-acquainted with the conduct prescribed for the healthy in relation to food and drinks, standing, walking, sleeping, sitting, quantity, substances, collyrium, smoking, snuffing, massage, rubbing, non-suppression and suppression of urges, physical exercise, suitability, examination and knowledge about the sense organs and the conduct of the nobles; doubtless in 4-legged therapeutics [Dr, Drug, Nurse, Patient] with 16 qualities [which are...], nature of disease, 3 desires [health, wealth, enlightenment], knowledge about the merits and demerits of V, capable in management of 4-fold unction [fat, marrow, etc.] with 24 media [see uncting chptr] and 64 equipments [from which chptr? ]; experts in various procedures for various types of measures, such as unction, fomentation, emesis, purgation, etc.; well-versed in head-diseases etc., diseases caused by proportional variation of dosas, diminution [of doshas/ of dhatus], boils, abscess, 3 swellings, various associations of swelling, 48 locations of diseases, 140 specific diseases, the despicable over-obese and over-lean along with causes, symptoms and treatment [of them- the obese/lean], wholesome and unwholesome sleep, insomnia and over-sleep alongwith the causes and treatment, 6 measures reducing etc. [see my chart; “the 6 Actions”]; symptoms and treatment of disorders caused by over-saturation and under-nutrition; etiology, symptoms and therapeutic management of blood disorders and also of mada, murchha and samnyasa, well-acquainted with dietetic considerations, food items wholesome and unwholesome by nature, group of the best ones [foods], 84 asavas (wines), properties and actions of drugs according to rasa and anurasa, proportional variations in combination of rasas, antagonism, properties and actions of food and drinks classified in 12 groups, properties of after-drink, 9 points regarding food, movement of food, wholesome and unwholesome food along with it’s good and bad effects, the diseases located in dhatus along with their treatment, 10 seats of vital breath and the topics to be dealt with in the chapter 30 on 10 heart-rooted vessles; accordingly wellversed with brevity and details, in the entire treatise and it’s acquisition, retention, understanding, application, measures, health, time, physician and instruments and expert, while endowed with memory, intelligence, learning and rationale, in implementation not conflicting with his noble qualities and in dealing with all the living beings with friendly manner like parents, brothers and kinsmen. Endowed with such qualities, Agnivesa! are promoters of vital breath and destroyers of diseases. Su29#7 The idea is that a yoga teacher is responsible for alot and should not be taken lightly. Yoga is a science, not an physical exercise system. Archana: loooooooooooL! pations testing answer looooooooooool. Suresh: Any Yoga teacher With out medical education ) better not to teach yoga ) and for this problem ) No yoga helps ) Brad: At least i am not alone on this. Seems like it most the time. Thanks for keeping it real and true. And Amira, sorry. I have not seen proper easy to read books on yoga and health. They all have become westernized. Allopathic sight cannot see yoga. You must study yoga for yoga. Like learning a language, you cannot learn French by having it... all translated to English for you. Study Ayurveda or Siddha Medicine and it will come together for you. A good place to start may be with David Frawleys correspondence courses. Then really look at the energetic focus and benifits to each asana and pranayam. I should ut some of this stuff together on my web site. maybe a goal to do for next year. Sita Chaitanya: Brad I don't know how much karmic debt really attaches to this at all. I may give a suggestion with the best motive and zero attachment. No karma there for me. And then it becomes their own karma whether they follow the suggestion or not. Archana: i dont agree with ther is no yoga help for this problem!i feel yog is very vast subject has very deep roots of research and just kapalbhanti,anulom vilom,omkar .can reduce lots of troubles. Brad: Actually, there is a huge karmic debt with that. Do you really think that because you have good intentions and no attachment that there will be no karma? That is irresponsible. Think again. If you give wrong information irresponsibly to peo...ple even out of ignorance the karmic debt is way high. Being ignorant does not absolve anyone. Every action has karmic debt, everything is karma. Wish some Swami would pipe in here and say something.

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