Yoga exercises for fat loss

Can some one please tel me which excercises 2 do 2 lose fat from face?
I used 2 hav dimples but now they'r vanishing slowly coz I'm getting chubby! I dnt wan2 lose them!!
I'v read abt simhasana but som mor asanas 2 practise wud b an advantage.......
plz help...... One of our facebook friends asked this question and received several replies - what would you advise? Shoumava: Do simhasana, Sarvanganasana also will help to increase blood circulation to the face. Suryanamaskara will help to make your body supple as well as lessen body fat Mayuri: thanks a lot! :) Shoumava: Getting chubby is not bad often it looks cute but if u r getting a double chin then try out Suryanamaskara, Bhujangasana and Simhasana to get rid of it. Yes regular patient practice is essential Mayuri: i wanted 2 lose those chubby nes coz they'r making my dimples disappear!! :(( i had very deep dimples bt nw wen i smile they r hardly there!! :((((( Jake: Mayuri, a well balanced diet and regular practice are all the advise I can bestow upon you. slimming the entire body is the best way to lose weight in the face. regular walks and staying active constantly is the best exercise. It's really not that many changes we'll have to make in our lifestyle, but challenging none the less. Jake: On another note, find a chewing gum that is not bad for the teeth, keeping the jaws active may assist in strengthening the "dimple area" in your face. Hope this helps. :) Garima: Simhasana is the best exercise for well defined cheek bones. U can also look up the sukshma vyayama kriyas. There's a particular one in that that works the facial muscles, The name eludes me now but i'm sure if u'll search u'll know wat i'm talking bout!! :) Happy exercising!!!! Fred: fitness Experts believe that Spot fat reduction i.e, reducing fat in a particular spot. face, in your case and Belly fat in my case :( is not possible. I know it's annoying but we cannot spot reduce. PERIOD! Harte: Play Squash or Practice Reiki...

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