Yoga for hayfever

One of our facebook friends asked this question:
what can one do about hayfever?

Some of our facebook friends had the following answers - do you have any other advice?

Umesh: Hi Hayfever is nothing but a type of fever which one develop due to weak immunity system. The best remedy is to go for enema then do fast then shift to fruit diet. It is also benefical to eat tulsi leaves on empty stomach.. In yog...a do agnisaar, uddiyan bandha, forceful exhaltion . .....I hope this serve your purpose. Regards..... umesh kapoor

Praveena: i am referring to hayfever which leads to continuous sneezing,watery eyes,running nose and itchy eyes.

Umesh: o.k. This happen due to some allergy and also lack of vitamin c in our body. Take enema and consume vitamin c , this will go away.

Nitin: To open the blocked nose, put some chamomile in water and boil it. Inhale the fumes of this solution, as it opens up the blocked nose.

Karen: Jala neti!

Chakradhar: start chandra nadi........
there are good Ayurvedic medicines too.........

Solveig: Besides the yoga and cleansing exercices you can eat during winter time bee pollen

Judy: using the neti pot for nasal washouts....

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