Yoga to help with a uterus problem

can u plz advice what yoga can do for women with a uterus problem? a friend of mine has a uterus inflammation and uses anti-biotics , but also want to practise yoga asanas . what is the best that she can do?
One of our facebook friends asked this question and received several replies - what would you advise?

Chetankumar: For Kidneys,Uterus and healing probs in body ,One should switch to a high Vitamin C diet first.Basil leaves will help .
Chakrasana,Setu Bandhanasana and Kapalbhati,targets the energy flow towards da Swadishtana Chakra,and directs all consume...d nutrition to dis chakra.
Dis Chakra ,is associated with all above probs.
A healthy Swadishtana sweeps all these probs.
DO Drink AMPLE of water.
Consumption of Basil leaves will also help .

Swami Saradananda: OM - This is not a good place to give medical advice. It would be best if your sick friend went to a good doctor.

Keshav: ‎'Butterfly' wll give relax. But must atleast 100 times up & down, so easy.

Nitin: Suggest her "Ashokarist" and "shatavari"

Praveena: Is it uterus inflammation or urinary tract inflammation?If UTI then --soak fennel seeds in water for 4 hrs and having that water helps tremendously.Inverted postures help the uterus to be in its right position.

Umesh: you can practise all those all asanas which do not create excess pressure on the uterus .Do stretching and twisting asanas. Do uddiyan bandha. I think this should help her.
All the best.

Ramesh: herbs- yoga- pranayama- right diet will surely give relief 100%


Chetankumar: For Kidneys,Uterus and healing probs in body ,One should switch to a high Vitamin C diet first.Basil leaves will help .
Chakrasana,Setu Bandhanasana and Kapalbhati,targets the energy flow towards da Swadishtana Chakra,and directs all consume...d nutrition to dis chakra.
Dis Chakra ,is associated with all above probs.
A healthy Swadishtana sweeps all these probs.
DO Drink AMPLE of water.
Consumption of Basil leaves will also help .

Natasha: actually bandhas practiced on a very low pressure initially and pranayamas should quieten the inflammation .
then take up the yogasanas from there . severe inflammation is not a good phase for doing poses ... >>>

Swami Saradananda: OM - This is not a good place to give medical advice. It would be best if your sick friend went to a good doctor.

Nitin: North India suffering from unknown fever,no any doctor able to found source of unknown fever,many died,antibiotics not working even paracetamol not working,what working is ayurveda.

Vidya: thanks dear friends for all ur advice..mine friend had a test also and has to wait 4weeks for the results..because of this all she got litle depressd, to still her mind i did with her some relaxative asanas, pranayama and litle meditation to get the positive flow of energy back. thanks..

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