Krisnamacharya Yoga Film 1938

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  • Om Shanti,That's an interesting comment from Swami Vishnu!? BUT, I do love the way he gets into the lotus position..
  • What a Master ! So nice to see. It was said you ask to ask Krishnamacharaya your question 15 times before He would answer it. ( He wanted to make sure you were serious.) Mr. B.K.S Iyengar tried to have an audience with Master Sivananda in 1950 during Sivananda's all India tour but it never happened. The world now knows of Mr. Iyengar and His work. What a blessing to the world that style of Yoga has went all over the world.
    In 1987 I took Mr. Iyengar's Harvard week long seminar. I along with Rammand Patel was asked to do a shoulder movement. Rammand do his when it came time to do mine I froze. (I was in front of alot of people !) Being raised in Catholic school 1 of 4 boys I was hit by the nuns sometimes with a closed fist,slapped, pointers, or a least a yardstick. With Mr. Iyengar I could see a fist or at least a slap coming my way ... I said to myself this guy is going to hit me. I stood there and took it and He told me to pay attention. I never forgot it. There was a woman in Europe that actually hit him back ! In 2007-8 in the USA, He actually apologized for hitting everyone. I have never forgotten that day and it serves a very good reminder to pay attention as taught by the "Old School ! " Laughing. All glories to Krishnamacharaya and all his disciples and what They have given to the world ! Krishnamacharaya Ki! Jai! b>
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