Mantra 104 Hari Bol with Ishwara

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Ishwara chants the mantra Hari Bol during a saturday evening satsang at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany.The lyrics to the Mantra 104 Krishna Hari Bol:Hari Bol Hari Bol,Hari Hari BolKeshava Madhava Govinda BolGopala Bol,Govinda Bol // 1 //Shiva Bol Shiva Bol,Shiva Shiva BolShiva Shankara Shri Mahadeva BolNilakantha Bol,Mahadeva Bol // 2 //For more English yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our English pages at the Saturday evening Satsang via live stream at More information referring to mantras, yoga and meditation at

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