Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli - Yoga Kriyas for your Abdomen

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Yoga for your abdominal organs, for centering and activation of Prana. Narayani explains and demonstrates how to do Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli Kriyas. With Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli you stimulate your internal organs, gain mastery over your abdominal muscles, stimulate the Prana in your solar plexus, stimulate the digestive fire (Agni). These Yoga Kriyas also help to wake up in the morning and start the day with lots of energy. You can also integrate Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli into your Asana routine. Narayani shows how to do these Kriyas. More Infos on Nauli with some photos http://www.yoga-vidya.de/Yoga--Artikel/Art-Artikel/Art_Kriyas.html . Narayani is giving Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany http://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Narayani.html and in Spain at Sananda Yoga/Yoga Center http://www.yogacentersc.es/

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