Yoga Mudrasana - Different Variations - Advanced and Beginners

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A Yoga Posture for health of the abdominal organs, for better digestion, for inner surrender and relaxation. Aruna shows you different variations: More advanced as well as beginner's variations of this Hatha Yoga Asana. This Video gives valuable hints for the beginner, the intermediate and the advanced student. It is especially helpful for Yoga Teachers who want to see the different variations they can recommend to their students. More on Yoga Mudrasana. More Yoga Videos on the Yoga Vidya Yogi Community / Video.Filmed at Yoga Vidya Germany.Yogini: ArunaInstructor, Camera: Sukadev.

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  • ....helpful, at any level. Can't wait to get on the mat. This sort of video just inspires one's practice.

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