Even a spark of desire is a very great evil. Watch each sense when it goes astray. Withdraw it. Practice abstraction again and again. Curb all your passions slowly through Japa, prayer, meditation, Satsang, study of scriptures and Sattwic food. Remain ever free and delighted in your own all-blissful Atman or Soul.
Meditation is death for the mind, the demoniacal king of the passions and the senses. The more you polish the surface of your inner heart by practicing dispassion and meditation, the more the Grace will shine there. Never become impatient on the spiritual path. Be patient. Be calm. Strive, strive, strive with faith and single-minded devotion.
Regular meditation makes the mind less powerful in its extrovert tendencies. Even a little victory in the inner battle with your mind and senses will develop your will and give you assurance and courage. But do not be swayed by success. Be humble and grateful to God.
Far more precious than gold and diamond is the spiritual wealth of Self-realization.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of Divine Life Society, Photographs of Swami Sivananda, German Pages on Swami Sivananda
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