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Thyroid problems are huge, I myself unfortunately have experienced hyper thyroidism but with the knowledge and yoga practice did eventually not need medication and balanced the thyroid. the problem is showing up as I see it as a complete imbalance in the endocrine system, this is of course the symptom the cause often shows up in the lifestyle of the person and how they are coping with their individual stresses of life and how they see it. Working with the shoulderstand is great though it is a challenge to hold the pose for most people either through getting good alignment or the breathing is very shallow. Swami Vishnu did always remind us that we should be comfortable in the pose it should be restful and infact you have only truly mastered an asana when you can hold the pose for one hour. I have seen the headstand held for an hour but as yet not seen the shoulderstand held for this long?
My recent observation was that students do not breath deeply enough from the diaphraphm and abdomen and forget that the top half of their lungs are closed off through the chin and chest meeting .As suggested modified shoulderstand can be taught either using chair or wall, making sure the student is supporting their back with their hands.
In Sadhana, Swami Vishnu talks about mind and how it will "Buck" back or cause problems. it's pretty interesting to live in the present. Very hard too.