Daily (516)


Conscience is the li[ht of the Soul that burns within the chambers of your heart. It is a form of truth. It is the guiding voice from within.
Virtuous actions, charity, benevolence, nobility, generosity, acts of mercy, practice of truthfulness, Brahmacharya and Ahimsa sharpen conscience. On the other hand, falsehood, a cruel and immoral life, crookedness and deceitfulness kill the conscience. A man of guilty conscience is always restless and un¬happy in this world and in the next also. A man of p
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Never break your promise. Stick to it even if it costs your life. It is better to give up your life in order to secure due performance of a sacred and solemn promise.
"Be slow to make a promise, but be quick to perform it." This is an old adage.
Always say: "I shall try but I do not promise you." Do not get yourself entangled by making promises thoughtlessly. He who keeps his promise is always respected by people. Keeping a promise is a great virtue.

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-19
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Evil is a mere appearance. It is not a reality. It is an illusion. Evil exists to glorify good. Good and evil are not two independent things or entities. They are the two sides of' the same coin.
An evil man is a saint of the future. Transmute evil into good through reflection. Out of evil often good cometh. There is neither absolute good nor absolute evil in this phenomenal world. Good and evil are relative terms.
Behold the good alone in everything. Develop again and again the faculty of seeing
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Selfishness clouds understanding. Even if a man has a tinge of selfishness, he cannot find out what is right and wrong. A very pure, subtle, sharp intellect is needed for this purpose.
You must have a heart that is perfectly purified. You must possess a balanced mind. Be indifferent to the pairs of opposites, like heat and cold, pleasure and pain, praise and censure, success and failure. You must be well trained in selfless service for several years. Then you will get over selfishness and acquire
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The Gita lays down that the purpose of man's life here is to attain Self-realization. The Lord does not isolate Sannyas from life in the world as do some scriptures that prevailed before the Gita. Observe the condition of the castes and the four stages of life (Ashramas) today and you will readily admit the omniscience of the Lord and His foreknowledge of' the chaos that would envelop humanity.
The Lord therefore enjoined Karma Yoga upon all. "Fill your mind with thoughts of Me, be devoted to Me,
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All creatures and beings come out of God. They go back to Him alone during dissolution. The whole world is the body of the Lord. How can you hurt or dislike another being or creature on the surface of the earth when you have taken God as the object of adoration and love? How can you be selfish? How can you eat all the mangoes in your garden yourself?
When you do not consider another's pain as your own, you have no compassion or mercy. You have no fellow-feeling. You do not rejoice at the virtues
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Do not hope for anything. Control the mind and the senses. Give up greed and desire. In this way you do not commit any sin although you perform actions. This is Anasakti Yoga.
Free yourself from the pairs of opposites. Be calm and balanced in success and failure. Destroy envy. Though you perform actions you are not bound. This is Anasakti Yoga.
Destroy attachment. Be harmonious. Fix the mind on the innermost Atman. Now all your actions will melt away. You will not be bound. You will attain liberat
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A life of perfect peace and absolute tranquility cannot be found in the world for the senses. If you wish to rise above the cares and troubles of ordinary life, aspire for a life in the Atman.
In the Avadhoota Gita you will find: "Birth and death, bondage and freedom, righteousness and unrighteousness, names and forms, are not in thee. Why then do you weep, O child, thou art the infinite, imperishable, pure Consciousness."

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on S
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What is Vairagya

Vairagya is the opposite of Raga. It is dispassion or non-attachment. It is indifference towards sensual enjoyments herein and hereafter. Vairagya thins out the sensual mind. It turns the mind inward.
The Vairagya born of discrimination is lasting and steady. If anyone seriously thinks of the different kinds of pains, such as birth, death, worry, suffering, disease, loss, hostility, disappointment and anxiety, then Vairagya will dawn immediately. Look upon the worthless perishable things of this
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If anyone proves to be faithless to you, be faithful to him. If anyone injures you, forgive him and forget the injury done by him. Serve him with all your heart. You will gain immense spiritual strength and peace. The pride of youth might ridicule your action, but it will soon be a dream of the past. Forgiveness will embolden you. The Divine will shine in its pristine purity, splendor and glory.
Study the nature of the mind. Analyze it carefully. Get rid of the three defects of the mind, namely,
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Virtue and vice, pleasure and pain, are of the mind. Neither the doer nor the enjoyer art thou. Indeed, thou art ever free.
In the Gita you will find: "All actions are wrought by the qualities of nature only. The self-deluded man, through egoism, thinketh: "I am the doer." But he who knoweth the essence of the divisions of the qualities and functions, holding that the qualities move amidst the qualities, is not attached."

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Sw
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As you think, so you become. Think that you are the body, the body you will become. Think that you are weak, weak you will become. Think that you are Brahman, Brahman you will become. Thought moulds a man. Imagination works wonders. Your present is the result of your past thoughts, and your future will be according to your present thoughts. Speech and action simply follow thought.

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of Divine L
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The spiritual aspirant is never helpless. The entire existence supports him in his arduous struggle, for he is searching for something which is true to all. One relay dislike a certain thing of the world but Truth can be hated by none.
If all the fourteen worlds were to face him in battle, the true spiritual aspirant wilt regard them as mere straw, for he is the immortal Spirit., the ruler of heaven arid earth and the universe at large.
The road to excellent bliss is covered with many piercing tho
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Purity is the keynote of divine life. lie who gets mastery of the mind and the senses is invincible. He cannot be overcome by anyone.
.Love, kindness, compassion, charitable acts-all these soften and change the heart.
Rudeness, cruelty, revenge, meanness-all these harden the heart.
A worldling cannot understand a saint as he has an impure mind, as his mind is veiled by passion.
A thirsty aspirant enters a new birth. He has a new heart and a new mind. He has an awakened vision.
It is Brahmamuhurta now
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"I am the destroyer of the tree of worldliness. My reputation is as high as the summit of a hill. I am in essence as pure as the sun. I am the highest treasure. I am, all-wise, immortal, indestructible and taintless.
"I am Satchidananda Brahman. I am the eternal, all-pervading, attributeless Para Brahman. I am the non-dual Para Brahman 1 am the all-full Brahman. I am the ever-pure and taintless Brahman."
Meditate thus and realize your essential nature.

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-
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Knowledge of Brahman causes release from the trammels of one's own mind. Such a release alone leads to tire attainment of Moksha or liberation or real Swarajya-freedom of the Self'.
If the mind-thief is punished severely, one can attain Nirvana. Self-realization can be had within the twinkling of an eye if you apply yourself diligently to meditation and if you equip yourself with the four means of salvation. Then and then alone can you have real Swarajya in the Soul.

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami
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How can there be death for the Soul when It has no birth? The Srutis declare: "The Atman is unborn, without old age, imperishable and immortal."
The Aunan is absolutely changeless and is the witness of the six changes that take place in the body on account of the influence of time. It is unattached, like a lotus leaf in water, like the all-pervading ether. As It is birthless and unattached, there is neither agency nor enjoyment in lt.

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Infor
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Rajas and Tamas try their best to re-enter the mental factory and take possession of their lost seat. They should be driven out by means of dispassion, discrimination and enquiry.
When meditation is practiced, obstacles begin to appear, such as absence of right enquiry, inclination towards enjoyment, absorption in sensual and im¬pure thoughts, laziness and impatience. Remove them by means of right enquiry and discrimination. Stand as a witness of such thoughts.

From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivana
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Suspicion clouds the mind. It creates rupture among friends. It loses friends. It is a defect not in the heart but in the brain.
Suspicion is the mark of a mean spirit and a base soul. A noble man suspects none. Suspicion hampers business dealings, disposes kings and heads of states to tyranny, and husbands to jealousy and hatred. It poisons true friendship.
Freedom from, suspicion promotes happiness in man. Suspicion is all enemy of happiness. Ignorance is its mother. Attain knowledge, then suspi
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