Summer season brings along various skin related problems including rashes, tanning and sunburn. From following the essential routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing to maintaing a healthy diet, expert suggests various tips of taking care of yourself in the hot and humid weather.
Doctor Sangeeta Velaskar, vice president and head, Medical Services and R&D, Kaya Skin Clinic, recommends a few tips for a carefree and skin friendly summer:
* Screen the sun: Zero down on a sunscreen that best meet

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Ten steps to healthy eating

At an age where one is expected to work in a dedicated manner, we often end up compromising with our health. While many people would agree that a good fitness regime helps keep such risks at bay, it may just not be good enough. Choosing and following a good and healthy diet can help you there. Even with a stressful lifestyle, one can minimize the risks by choosing the right food to eat.
But is choosing the right food enough?
No. Along with the right type of food, we must also learn how to eat it

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