Asato Ma by Shankara feat. Mantra Circle (arranged by Shankara)

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asato ma sad gamaya
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
mrtyor mamrtam gamaya

performed by
Shankara – vocals, harmonium
Ramani – vocals, egg shaker
Immanuel – djembe

Asato Ma Sat Gamaya, is an ancient verse from the Vedas.
It is a peace mantra, and it is also a prayer where we ask to experience the highest.
The entire text of Asato Ma means: lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from mortality to immortality.

" I try not to sing, but to be sung. Not to put anything in the way of every sound that may come, to become empty, to become still. Back to the source. Hari Om Tat Sat."

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Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence

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