Short Yoga Sequence: Mayuri Asana, Ustrasana, Svanasana, Padahastasana, Tatasana

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A short Yoga Sequence which you can integrate at the end of the classical Sivananda Yoga Class/Yoga Vidya Class: Mayuri Asana, variation of Peacock - Ustrasana, Camel - Svanasana, Dog Pose - Pada Hastasana, standing forward bend - Tatasana, standing pose. For Intermediate and Advanced Hatha Yoga Practicioners. And for Yoga teachers looking for some new variations for Yoga Class.. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.

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