A Breathing exercise to increase your sun energy, to soothen Vata and reduce excess Kapha. This is a simple variation of Surya Bedha. If you know Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anuloma Viloma) you can try out Surya Bedha. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation. Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into this Pranayama. You can see Tulsi following these instructions.
Surya Bedha Pranayama - develop your Sun Exercise
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as per some gurus / books, during Surya Bedha Pranayama one has to inhale thro' right nostril and also exhale thro' only right nostril..that is both inhalation and exhalation should be done only thro' right nostril..
what is your or your Guru's opinion ?