Are you a yoga newbie or have you been practicing for many years already? If you are familiar with yoga already, you might have noticed the changes in your body, mind and overall well-being. Are you less sick? Looking and feeling more relaxed?
Practicing yoga regularly will bring along many mental and spiritual benefits. But let’s not forget the physical benefits: clear and tight skin; a healthy and flexible body; a radiant smile; the yoga „glow“. Today we will share with you 5 Anti-Aging yoga postures that will help you to feel and look younger:
1. Tree Pose
Maintaining balance is very important- especially when it comes to aging. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) is a simple balancing posture that will increase your abilities to stay in tune with yourself. Physical balancing postures work on the internal body as well.
During a Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will learn how to adjust this posture correctly.
2. Chair Pose
Chair Pose (Utkatasana) aims to create strong thigh muscles which are necessary to prevent knee pain and injuries. Try to have the legs slightly apart and keep your thighs parallel to the mat. Take a few breaths while holding the final pose and then relax again (repeat up to 10 times).
You can learn how to modify this posture in a Yoga Teacher Training in India.
3. Mountain Pose
The benefits of mountain pose are the back stretches and partial inversion. The blood flows down and increases the circulation to the brain. Mountain pose is also known as Parvatasana. It tones the legs, arms and nervous system.
During a Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will learn how to adjust this posture correctly.
4. Half-Moon Pose
Ardh-Chandrasana or Half-Moon Pose aims to increase flexibility in your spine, hips, and pelvis. As you arch back, try to lower your shoulders a little so your ears are not attached. This posture gives a sense of strength and grounding.
You can learn how to modify this posture in a Yoga Teacher Training in India.
5. Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a dynamic posture that consists of multiple parts. Important is to get the respiration right. Remember to always follow the movements along with your breath. Sun Salutation increases the overall energy level and removes stiffness from your whole body.
Ideally, 12 rounds should be practiced in the early morning on an empty stomach. During a Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will learn how to adjust this posture correctly.
Your Yoga Teacher Training in India
If you are curious about growing your practice and understanding of yoga, you should think of joining a Yoga Teacher Training in India.
Yoga India Foundation is one of the best yoga destinations in India. The Foundation offers unique and life-changing 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India, 300 and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses that are matched to your individual need and level.