attraction (3)

In The Vortex

("Scylla by William Pye" by mira66)

« In The Vortex » is an energetic instrumental put together while toying with leftover ideas from « Informaëlstrom » and « Leftoverturned. »

The intent here was to communicate the experience of feeling enthusiastic and determined despite being faced with a demanding or overwhelming challenge.

The title refers to Esther Hicks' concept of the vortex, or to be more precise, to the experience of being in that vortex, a state of mind characterized by purposeful joy an

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« In The Vortex » is an energetic instrumental put together while toying with ideas leftover from « Informaëlstrom » and « Leftoverturned. »

The intent here was to communicate the experience of feeling enthusiastic and determined despite being faced with a demanding or overwhelming challenge.

The title refers to Esther Hicks' concept of the vortex, or to be more precise, to the experience of being in that vortex, a state of mind characterized by purposeful joy and focused forward motion.

The demo i

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You are what your deep driving desire is.As your desire is, so your will. As your will is,So your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.5)Most of us are familiar with the law of attraction. It has been debated around the world and put into practice by many. There have even been whole workshops devoted to just this law and we’ve found that it works for some, but not others. Why is this so?A law is absolute. If it is a law, it should work for everyone. Right? There
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