heart (3)

Mother Of Pearl

Natural Abalone with conical pearl » by Worldexplorer82)

« Mother Of Pearl» was the last song written in the location where the music for the « The Abode Of The Blessed » EP was composed. Yet, arguably, considering the clear stylistic and thematic distinctions between this opus and the pieces that preceded it, they probably shouldn't belong on the same album. Assuming that I eventually get the chance to properly record the 8 songs and 8 instrumentals put together during that particular period

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At some point during this past winter, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could come up with a bunch of songs that I could play on my own, without the need of a backing band. I had always wanted to try my luck at busking, but because of the demands of Poligraf, I never really had the chance to build a repertoire of original songs that require only guitar and vocals, without additional arrangements. Eventually I imagined that 30 songs would be enough, so I set out to write as much in t

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On Individualistic Spirituality

In my opinion, on some social networks there appears to be a tendency to avoid challenges altogether in order to protect beliefs.The rationale seems to be that the intent of the challengers is merely to « make wrong, » and that those who challenge are just not « confident in their own beliefs. »But what then if the intent is not to « make wrong » ? What if the intent is to shed a different light ? What if the prompting comes from the heart and not the ego ? What if the ego tries to ignore the ov
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