poetry (25)

In All Directions

joy is feeling
looking upwards
skies enrapture
the sorry self
and its grievance

joy is seeing
looking westwards
social fracture
healing itself
from insurgence

joy is knowing
looking eastwards
proper culture
relieves oneself
from ignorance

joy is seeing
looking outwards
events mature
the early self
from quiescence

joy is feeling
looking inwards
divine nature
express itself
to give guidance

joy is seeing
looking backwards
how the future
bootstrapped itself
in existence

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Land's End

God, suspended in the clouds, creates light. Line engraving Wellcome V0034177
God, suspended in the clouds, creates light. » by Thomas de Leu)

what was there left to do
standing at the summit
but to reach for the sky
up above infinite

what was there left to do
at the edge of the land
but to keep on going
and defy gravity

what was there left to do
at the end of the road
but to invent a bridge
onto a higher world

what was there left to do
at the death of a hope
but welcome the visit
of the ghost of a chance

what was there left to do
at the crush of a love
but to try to redeem

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The Miracle Is Worth The Wait

« The Miracle Is Worth The Wait » was the 2nd song written for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project, and was completed on January 8, 2013.

The inspiration for this opus came from conversations held with David, a somewhat peculiar fellow with whom I was sharing living spaces earlier this year. To the best of my memory, the first words he ever spoke to me were « I can guarantee world peace. » Obviously, the statement got my attention and I just had to know more about him. I eventually lear

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A Tide Of Positive Change

The 23rd song written for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project is entitled « A Tide Of Positive Change » and was completed on March 24th, 2013.

The aim here was to come up with an inspiring and energetic song that can uplift the listener into an optimistic frame of mind. Considering the comments offered so far when I played it in public spaces, I'd venture to say that this particular objective has been achieved.

No audio nor video clips are available at this point as my game plan for this

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To Kill Your Demons

« To Kill Your Demons » was completed on March 10, 2013, and is the 20th song written for the henceforth entitled « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project.

Basically, the main point of the song is that most-if-not-all experiences, apparent catastrophes included, can be interpreted positively as opportunities for growth.

Again, I plan to repost the following lyrics with an audio or video clip when time allows for the recording and production of proper demos.

verse 1
you were waiting for the right w

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Mother Of Pearl

Natural Abalone with conical pearl » by Worldexplorer82)

« Mother Of Pearl» was the last song written in the location where the music for the « The Abode Of The Blessed » EP was composed. Yet, arguably, considering the clear stylistic and thematic distinctions between this opus and the pieces that preceded it, they probably shouldn't belong on the same album. Assuming that I eventually get the chance to properly record the 8 songs and 8 instrumentals put together during that particular period

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At some point during this past winter, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could come up with a bunch of songs that I could play on my own, without the need of a backing band. I had always wanted to try my luck at busking, but because of the demands of Poligraf, I never really had the chance to build a repertoire of original songs that require only guitar and vocals, without additional arrangements. Eventually I imagined that 30 songs would be enough, so I set out to write as much in t

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Perfect Magic

« Perfect Magic » is the 9th opus penned for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project. It was completed on February 6, 2013, and is the first new piece to follow the compositional rush that led to the « The Abode Of The Blessed » EP.

The lyrics were written in an « everything happens for a reason » frame of mind and aim to hint at how each and every life, even the apparently disadvantaged, is blessed with the loving support of the underlying intelligence that unites and animates all beings.


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Angel on the Threshold

Holzfigur Engelchen auf Halbmond » by 4028mdk09)

you so wanted to be yourself
life had told you, « you will be saved »
but now you stand on the wire
suspicious of the road you paved

you so wanted to be so rich
that all problems you'd be rid of
life responded, « work through them first,
true wealth comes from rising above »

you so wanted to rush forward
but you were still stuck at the dam
life instructed, « don't miss the mark
you'll have to repass the exam »

you so wanted to have free time
« then why

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Dance Of Fire » by SarThePhotographer)

« Purposefulness » is the first of a series of short segues that I have put together in the hopes of joining existing compositions into one continuous piece of music.

In order to preserve the surprise, I won't disclose the details of the other compositions, nor the title of the overall resulting piece. Those of you familiar with the repertoire of Poligraf will possibly recognize some of the themes that are revisited in each of the transitions, and will thu

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Portrait : Everyday Was The Same

Glass of Beer and Playing Cards » by Juan Gris)

everyday was the same
but she wouldn't notice
oblivious to the game
that had become practice

well, many times she had
but she couldn't stand it
it always felt so bad
better to deny it

rising up as a ghost
toilet, table and toast
iron, shower and post
conform, comply and coast

first stumper of the day
what to wear to the store
while lessons on the way
keep knocking at the door

off to the job she hates
though everything she needs
is handed on her plates
from product
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Goldfish Pulling a Snail Cart » by James Pollock)

« Perseverance » is the fourth of the series of segues composed to join the tracks of an album together into one continuous piece of music.

Each of the junctions highlights a specific quality or knowledge that turned out to be crucial to the completion of a project that demanded many years of sustained striving. As the title indicates, « Perseverance » evokes the capacity to keep going at those times when efforts seem insufficient, and success

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Lebenslauf » by Adi Holzer)

« Vigilance » is the second of a series of short segues that I have composed in order to combine already existing pieces into one larger, continuous whole.

Each of the segues highlights a quality or an ability cultivated along a difficult journey, contributing to the successful completion of the challenge.

Again, I won’t reveal the title of the parts, nor of the completed collage, hoping to keep the surprise for the moment of the unveiling of the entire work.


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