tree (8)

In All Directions

joy is feeling
looking upwards
skies enrapture
the sorry self
and its grievance

joy is seeing
looking westwards
social fracture
healing itself
from insurgence

joy is knowing
looking eastwards
proper culture
relieves oneself
from ignorance

joy is seeing
looking outwards
events mature
the early self
from quiescence

joy is feeling
looking inwards
divine nature
express itself
to give guidance

joy is seeing
looking backwards
how the future
bootstrapped itself
in existence

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Vriksasana word has taken from the Sanskrit word “vrisks” which means tree and “asana” means yogic posture. While, performing Vriksasana it gives the true feeling of Tree standing. Tree Pose is a balancing yoga pose. It is one of the easiest yoga asanas to perform and popular in modern yoga as exercise.

Benefits of Tree Pose:

• Tree pose stretches the thigh, Shoulders, and groins.
• Doing Tree Pose regular builds strength in our body.
• It tones the abdominal muscles.
• It calms and relaxes the cen

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