completion (4)

(Based on « 4D virtual 3x3x3x3 sequential move puzzle, scrambled » by SpinningSpark)

« Integration » is the seventh and final chapter of « The Chrome Lake. »

This instrumental section starts on a chaotic solo piano part which is soon backed up by the rhythm section that plays up the oddness and dissonance. The intent here is to convey the impression of having too many pieces to fit in a puzzle, combined with an urge to complete it.

The disarray slowly gives way to order and steady forward movemen

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Lebenslauf » by Adi Holzer)

« Vigilance » is the second of a series of short segues that I have composed in order to combine already existing pieces into one larger, continuous whole.

Each of the segues highlights a quality or an ability cultivated along a difficult journey, contributing to the successful completion of the challenge.

Again, I won’t reveal the title of the parts, nor of the completed collage, hoping to keep the surprise for the moment of the unveiling of the entire work.


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"Reinfused" is basically a rehash of the material presented in "Lifeforce," but with an emphasis on shifting time, forward movement, and dynamism, to suggest the removal of obstacles from the path of a process which is then finally allowed to follow its course toward completion.

The piece is an instrumental. Here is the related poetry :

Tell me when are these times that I have dreams about
Are they mere memories of better days gone by
Unsubstantial fancies fated to fade away
Or horizons waiting to b

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(Globe of Integration by Eugen Hofbauer, Herbert Kalleitner, and Susi Müller. Photo by Manfred Kielnhofer)

“The Chrome Lake” is the core middle part of “Entering The Stream,” the trilogy which begins with "Into The Ashram" and is completed by "Leaving The Ashram."

Lasting a little over 12 minutes, the suite comprises seven sections identified as follows :

  • 1. Introversion
  • 2. Intervention
  • 3. Introspection I
  • 4. Introspectrumental I
  • 5. Introspection II
  • 6. Introspectrumental II
  • 7. Integration

“Integration” sta

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